FF: Engine Stand

This stand was given to me by Mike93 (formerly LXSTASY) and I would like to pass on the generosity now that it has served it’s purpose with me.

The thing is a beast and was homemade by his dad. It doesn’t fold up, but it works great and is very solid.

I’ll take a picture of it later if need be. The only thing I ask in return is to not try and sell it afterwards in order to keep a good deed running.

Hey paulo does it roll ? if so I’ll take it for a few weeks, while I still have the motor from my car, and give it to someone else when the motor is gone, LMK I can get it tomorrow

Is it heavy duty Paulo. I want to pick up two used ones to build a rotissere. If so let me know when i can get it

I’ll take it I’m in need of one

Oh it’s real heavy duty. Pics to come. So far Ian has dibs…

I need 1 for this winter

I need one for the 455.

Ian came and got this tonight. He says it will most likely be back up in a month for free. :tup: Keep the good deed going guys.

Paulo, glad to see the generosity continuing:tup:

Yep, thanks paulo, I really one need this for like 2 weeks, My dads bike is coming back from the engine builder this weeks and I needed to move my engine around, But yeah It’ll be free to anyone who needs it, thanks again paulo
