Engine Swap

I had a 99 eclipse 2.0 non-turbo and I want to upgrade my engine to a 4G63T. I was wondering if that engine will fit on my chassis.

yes, it will

technically it will however you need to make a new passenger side motor mount, replace the subframe etc…you would be set if you had a donor car. Then you need to switch the harnesses. etc its very involved and can be done but I dont recommend it.

isn’t the tranny on the wrong end of the block, and isn’t it easier to just turblo the 420A??

a project like this will really really teach you a lot about your car… it is not “recommended” but do-able with a donor car… good luck~

although just buying a gst or 4g63 (6 bolt) powered car is the way to do it, and you can take all that money you would have spent swapping making your car madd leet lol, once again good luck

yeah , good luck wit that one…very tough indeed , yud need the completel tubro wiring harness plus the extra motor mount , and if yu fuck up and buy an awd turbo motor then thats really bad , i would sell yur car , and buy a 1st gen turbo with the 6 bolt turbo and build that bitch to no end! , 1st gens can be had for soo cheap and are easy to work with and have much more potential…7 bolt suffers from crank walk GRRRR

good luck either way bro

questions like this make me go :bloated:

dont turbo your 2gnt

dont try to swap your 2gnt, unless you are a fabricator and have a shop/donor car at your disposal

if you want a fast dsm, but a turbo dsm and use that as a platform

i know from experience :smiley:

i have a parts car that ill sell you cheap for a wiring harness and whatever else you would need from it.

Just sell the car and buy a turbo model. Its not worth paying for a donor car and doing the work just to end up with a car that is the same as one you can purchase. Unless your cool and you own an avenger.:wiggle:

BlackiceAXW2002 yes…how big is your wallet? You will need donor shell or preferably entire car that is still driveable…well in that case sell the n/t to some chick like every one else and drive the new turbo donor car… problem solved.

Why is that bad…the awd motor is the same as the fwd 4g63 the tranny on the other hand is not. But hey now he can swap the front wheel hop into awd…ask mixmastermike.

Sam you have a typo…lol…thats why your going :bloated:…how do you know from experience…didn’t you turbo the stock engine…now thats :bloated:…you should have “built” the engine and then sold it to steve.

Sam you have a typo…lol…thats why your going …how do you know from experience…didn’t you turbo the stock engine…now thats …you should have “built” the engine and then sold it to steve.
It was built… Wasn’t it? or are you being sarchastic?

:word: What cheesasaurus rex said.

It was just a joke Steve…yes that motor had everything done to it Sam said it had.

just sell yours and buy mine, problem solved!