
At least it was better than when they flew to NY for Queens Blvd and E almost quit, then left his busted accord (im honda-retarded if thats false) at the airport.

That guy makes the show. Esp him and lloyd together.

i like and dislike this situation for a few reasons.

why i dont like the situation:

i feel like its pretty much just the opposite of where they were in season 3. Season 3 was the same director doing queens blvd at sundance, movie was a hit, vince was setup for big things. now its just the complete opposite, same director, different movie, different film festival. they could have been a little more creative.

on the other hand

why i like this situation:

Its different then most situations vince has been in. hes going into the next season looking like shit. Hes broke and its going to take a lot to pull himself out of it.

my predictions:

Silo is done. Walsh will get squashed like a bug. I will be happy, his bitching and moaning is starting to tick me off. E is going to be a good producer. If he had sold the movie in the first place, they would have been in great shape. He was the only one that wanted to make the right move. I cant wait to see what actually happens, but im hoping that it doesnt become too predictable.


Hell Ya!

o shit, thanks for the reminder

oh snap, dvr is set, but i do plan to watch it.

i wish i could watch ari videos at work.

Def thinking about having a party for Entourage. Beer, Pizza, Wings, Ari.

On a side note… Is FOTC on right after this year?

I love that show

i hate it being on in the fall opposite sunday night football instead of in the summer opposite ron popeil and the guy with the question mark jacket.

Just reactivated my HBO in preparation for it!

looks like i need to order HBO again

thank god for usenet

I’ll be watching on Monday nights :slight_smile:

Anyone wanna give a quick review of last season?

If my memory serves me correctly they spent all their money making “Medeiin” (spelling) and it flopped? Now they are broke.

lol love this show now, watched all the seasons that were out this past summer.

i feel like season four kinda bit the dust. i wasnt too impressed.

best show on tv by far

cant wait for the new season to start

Football + Season premier of Entourage = :tup:

:tup: to that sir. I can’t wait. 10pm baby!