Thats a good one!
How about some hard DnB. Everyone will look like this: :scared: :hsugh: :eek: :squint: :hsugh: :eek: :scared:
captain chaos came into GnR welcome to the jungle
pink floyd is beat
IRON MAN WINS!!! :mullet:
ironman at a wedding? :greddy:
it’s just the entrance virgin. they only play like 30 seconds, it’s supposed to be funny or cool, don’t worry classy music from there on. i’ve banned the DJ from playing the electric slide and such
fucking sweet! Am I invited now?
DMB - Beginning of Two Step
dave matthews band makes me want to kill…
x2, enfuriates me more than listening to Hatebreed. Some guy I used to work with listened to Dave Mattews non-stop till I kicked his radio off the shelf and told him to grow some balls bitch
id like to begin the two step. One step to his jaw and the next to his right hand so no more guitar or whiney college music
God… I hate DMB… and anyone else who belongs to that “ooh… i play an acoustic guitar and my concerts are the closest yuppie kids ever get to loosening up,” scene.
come into
human touch-rick springfield
bloodhound gang
the bad touch :naughty:
Or Bloodhound Gang “i wish i was queer so i could get chicks”
mine was serious, that shit is funny
Can’t say I have heard the band members say that during an interview, but I will look it up