Ephedrine - anywhere to buy in Niagara Falls/Lewiston area?

I thought they unbanned this stuff in the US? Not sure, but they charge an arm and a leg for it in Canada. Im wondering if its half price of what we pay for it here like everything else :purextc:

IIRC you can still get it at most pharmacies, you have to ask for it at the counter

Making meth is bad…

lol i thought the same thing, is that wrong? Most 24 hr truck stops and gas stations have it but its usually a single 2 pill dose there locked up behind the corner look for mini thins they work well.

Yeah you can still get Sudafed at the pharmacy counter.

If you’re actually trying to buy it in bulk to make speed, then die. You’re the reason I have to go ask for it at the pharmacy counter. :zong:

If you try to buy it in bulk you will be flagged and get a visit from your neighborhood friendly DEA agent.

you actually have to give id now and they take all your info and write it into a book that they have to give to the government for regulation

regulation is a scary word

Sudafed is not ephedrine. Some Sudafed has pseudoephedrine in it, big difference.

The ephedrine you can legally buy around here has absolutely zero kick to it, unlike the real stuff from years ago. It has a TRACE amount in it so that it can say it on the label, but not enough to be banable, kinda like a pro-hormone. The crap you get at the gas stations is NOT the same as it was back in '04.

You are better off shopping around for some online. Try a bodybuilding board, like bodybuilding.com for starters.

It got banned originally because of all of the clubbing retards who decided to mix it with coke and make ecstasy, then the little retards started dying.

Ecstacy is coke and ephedrine mixed?

Well, sort of. That’s one way to make it. People make it with all sorts of different ingredients. But that is why ephedrine got banned. That’s why certain clubs back in the late 90’s early 2000’s would have the A/C cranked up real high, and there would be people dancing like maniacs for hours on end with sweat just pouring off of them.

^^ i mean it was a good time and all, so long you didn’t leave in an ambulance…

fuck no. ephedrine is referred to as “herbal ecstacy” and thats why some people think this, but its not actually in X. real ecstacy’s main ingredient is MDMA (“molly”, this is what gives you that mental ‘roll’) and most pills are a combination of that, heroin, coke, pcp, and meth. Some have more or certain things than others, some only have 1 or 2 things in them… it depends on who and where they come from. If its what you could consider “clean” X it won’t have more than what I listed in it, other than the occasional drop of ketamine.

Thats not saying that the random people that get their hands on pill stampers won’t put (literally) anything they can find thats toxic into it, because that happens. If you ever heard anyone saying they had a super shitty roll, this is probably why. As if the shit isn’t bad enough for you, unfamiliar sources for the shit can make trying it quite a suspect experience

now look whatcha did, you’re giving dawn ideas… :baby:

No way. No ideas. I don’t mess with that stuff. Never have, never will.

^Nice to see that someone on this board has a brain.

:fail:she smokes weed!

i’ve never touched any drug, and I’ll never fuck up my life like that.

Epi was baned cuz assholes wanted to lose weight it did this by raising body temp so you would burn fat, well people started taking more then you were supposed to because it was so great and would over heat and die.

You act like I smoke weed on a regular basis. I haven’t smoked in MONTHS. I don’t run around getting high all day. I think the correct thing to say is “She has smoked weed before.”

And fuck up your life like that? I don’t think that smoking marijuana had any serious effects on me. Seeing that I’ve used it… less times in my life than you’ve jerked off. If you’re going to be an asshole, than I will too.

Atleast I didn’t go into a dealership and buy a car because I didn’t want to “look poor.”


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