so lets do a few pulls, any day you can!
woot woot hatch vs hatch
crazy honda guys with their NA motors
cant wait to see this one!
Wayne this will be a pointless race and a waste of gas, I could tell you the outcome right now lol.
whatd you buy now? i thought you wanted a bike :-p
i realized im 17 and dont need a bike at this point in life haha.
^^^i did the same thind lol… it should be a good run but idk i think u will pull if u can get in gear
this will be an easy one to call…a built gsr in a eg vs. a bolt on gsr in an ek coupe with a cage.hhhmmmm
it wont even be close
Yea it really wont. I love jakes car but it wont stand a chance.
wayne has a built gsr with a type r head which flows a lil better than the gsr head that jake has ill still think jake will win only because the tranny in wanynes car is still shot T-down its been like that for almost 3 years… 2nds rough 3rd is almost gone so if u cant get into third i think jae will take a lil jump and hold it
its comparing apples and oranges,a built motor vs a stock one
and a lighter car to a heavier one.
ya but its also about if he can get into gear i remember when he raced tbags crx when it was ls turbo and could not get into 3rd for shit even tho the crx would have beat it either way…but we will have to see…and with waynes luck the hatch will prolly blow up lol jk bud
hahah screw you brian. i just want to do it for fun
how is this Epic
if i drive it, it will run perfect jk i hope u guys run soon ill tape it
you cant drive-------540guy
eric is about to post something stupid