Epic Fail...discuss



Let me get this straight, she was driving with her ex-husband in the car to meet her new boyfriend, has ex-husband grab wheel so she can shave her pubes for her new boyfriend?! wtf LMFAO

holy white trash…

I tend to take care of those kinda things before I leave the house…worst case, buy clippers at WalMart, shave in bathroom, return, profit?


what really kills me is that she has her ex husband in the car to meet up with her new bf LOL

that is awesome.

It wouldnt be as funny if she wasnt so damn ugly

I wonder if she cut her beaver when she hit the other car.

lmao I was wondering the same thing

I would neg rep the two of you for even giving a shit about that man-bear-pig-heff-a-lump-pile-of-trash’s beaver. :Idiots

but i like you guys. so i wont. :hug

Probably shaved her clit off.

I’d love to see that police report.

Yea but I would hate to be the cop who had to write it up and try to keep a straight face.

1995 Ford Thunderbird. Nailed it.

I bet they had mullets too!