Epic Fail?

If you don’t understand the title, you will after you read this.

First of all, i’d like to apologize in advance to BIG RED (aka Dave, basically my little brother) But when i heard this happened, i had to post it up.

Ok, so it’s 2am. Dave has 2 friends over. None of which are any more rational than he is. They are drinking, to make an even worse combo. Someone gets the brilliant idea (probably peter), to call a Taxi to the neighbors house in their new development, at 2am.

2:30am. A Colonie Police Officer, rings Dave’s doorbell. Dave comes to the door, and he asks Dave if he has a cell phone. To which Dave replies “no”. He says that the neighbors called them concerned that a Taxi showed up to their house at 2am. The Taxi company gave the neighbors Dave’s number. The neighbors saw Dave and friends running back into Dave’s house, at around 2am, so told the police to go check it out. At this point Dave’s mom wakes up hearing this conversation at the front door and goes down to see what;s going on. The officer asks her if she’s see Dave’s number before, and she says “yeah… that’s Dave’s cell phone”. So the officer goes “well he just lied to me and told me he didnt have a cell phone”

So let’s re-cap. You just moved into a neighborhood, and don’t know your neighbors. You drink, at age 18, with your friends and go running around your house, at 2am, to watch a taxi that you called, wake up your neighbors. You don’t *67 you’re cell phone number, so the taxi company doesn’t know who called. You answer your door at 2:30am and lie to a police officer, to have your mom blow up you’re spot.

The best part, is the next morning when Mike (Dave’s brother) wakes up after hearing what happened the night before, he says “hey Dave… could you have possibly had more Epic Fail at one time?”


thats so funny i cant even make an appropriate post to express how much of an epic fail that was lmao

HAHHA :haha

Kids are dumb these days, damn.

I could have pulled that shit off better when I was like 12.

yeah… don’t answer the door

of all the possible pranks they coulda done, they just call a cab?

That’s hilarious ::slight_smile:

wow. thats alotta fail!

lol, daves prime idea, i just went along w/it so did my buddy. i went outside to make a twinkle to not wake up his mom,as i’m walking back to the basement i see the taxi roll around the koldasack as i’m walking down. i was not “running” around the house…all i had involved in this whole night was to order the pizza and pick it up outside, as i’m outside his cell phone was ringing in my pocket and it was a number i didn’t recognize so i gave it to big red and he answered… and it all tumbled down to the policiez rollin down.

dave said he had no cell phone as his mom comes down and says he did have a cell phone right in front of mr. occifer.

don’t be throwin fail flags at someone who didn’t call a taxi or give out there cell number :wtf



this fail is so epic that you fail by association ;D


haha i knew u were gonna take NO responsibility as always. U were just as guilty as i was

responsibility… rightttttt just like i shoulda gotten in troble for when you were drifting on the fresh seeded grass… rightttttt

you kids and your finger pointing :rofl

:crackup :nod

this is fail so epic it becomes WIN


You guys are too much…

oh but lets go drift in a field and thats ok lol

Guys… just kiss and make up, okay? ;D