Cossey - 1; neighborhood punks - 0


Will this drama EVER end? This is like HS all over again. Multiple names, proxies, etc.

I used to do that crap in 9th grade. No joke.


Speaking of shit done in HS and younger:
I got ding-dong ditched the other night. I shut off all the lights in my house afterwards and then sat by the front door w/ an unloaded AR waiting for them to “strike” again. I saw them go to my neighbor’s house who is a cool guy, then as soon as they rang his doorbell and started running, I booked (yes, booked. Fat man booked, so similar to a skinny person’s fast walking pace) out of my house with a flashlight shining on them and watched them scream their heads off and followed them from a distance to their house. Then I knocked on the door (at 1am mind you) and watched them all scatter like cockroaches trying to hide. Got back home and called the cops on them. I’m so fucking old. The family is always loud as fuck at night and the son (who is 19, who rang my doorbell) drives like a cocksucker in his Cobalt LS. Fuck them.

19 and ding dong ditching? Thats just redonkulous…

That’s what I said. I was doing that shit when I was 8 or 9. 15 years ago.

One time, drunk as fuck, I knocked on the door of a kid that I don’t like and shouted “IS IT A SHOCK THAT TJ’S MOM WANTS TO FUCKKKK”@3AM. The door opened immediately, she chased me down the stairs (it was an indoor apartment complex or whatever), and she threw a shovel at me.

All at the ripe young age of 29 a couple years ago.

/\ i havent lol’d that hard in a while. thank you Cossey.
as soon as i saw “shut off all the lights…” i knew.

It was that idiot in the Cobalt?! :rofl

:lol Cossey.

Yea bro. I have a vendetta against that chode.


Give their address to the mormons/jehovas those fuckers love ringing doorbells!

DAMN, remind me to never do this at your house chris lol

Should have loaded the gun and fired off a round or two. Obtain your Alpha male status of the neighbor hood

woulda been sick but then he woulda got a menacing charge lol

Thats where those airsoft replica guns come in handy. Shoot a kid in the ear of the face with one of those and they will still think twice about fucking with you. Just the (look if you modify the tip) will have most people pissing their pants. Then you can actually cause pain without shooting and killing someone lol

i’ve got several. they arent fun to get hit with anywhere let alone the head.
but if you try this, dont aim for the face. they can easily blind you.

You called the police? For someone messing with your doorbell? Why didn’t you just disconnect it? Well, I guess you officially lost the right to complain about your property taxes…

what the fuck are you talking about?

Calling the police because someone’s fucking with your doorbell is a complete waste of money. (Cost)

LOLWUT? Why wouldn’t he call the police if the neighborhood teens are out harassing people at night? Don’t be a waterhead, dude.

I forgot cops work on commision. Your right.