erase me..............


more info… rust? what does it need got anymore pics?


300 cash

4spd auto or stick?

Anything majorly wrong with it?

You are an asshole. I told you I can’t buy the car because I had to help pay a vet bill because my dog was hit by a car and was really hurt, so that makes me a dead beat? Then you have the nerve to make fun of me in pms because of my financial situation…fuck you. I hope nobody buys this car and you are stuck with it. You are probably lying and ripping em off anyways.


So do I have to call you an asshole like Jeg did to get you to respond to my post?

No show huh…its hard to show WHEN I ASK MULTIPLE TIMES AND YOU DON’T GIVE ME DIRECTIONS!!! I asked you for the directions to look at it and you said it’s in NT. Well that helps a ton…I mean, we all know NT consists of 1 fucking house. You dumb shit. Then I tell you that I can’t come right away because I need a ride out there and you act like I am just lazy like I should walk or something. You are a total dumbass. I didn’t stiff you, I told you what was going on. Stiffing you would be if I never attempted to contact you after we had a date set up for me to look at the pos. BUT WE NEVER SET A SPACIFIC TIME OR DAY BECAUSE YOU WOULD NOT GIVE ME DIRECTIONS OR A LOCATION! So don’t blame me when I had cash on hand and was interested but you never told me where the thing was, then a week later something comes up and I cant get it. That is your fault, not mine.


if you give it away i will be there in a half

DIAF :slight_smile:


So much A.D.D… so little time.


Maby it’s becuase you’re a douche?


i dont care if i get banned for say this but fuck you, your a fucking retard.

Just because i got a loan finally and decided to get a new car for my newborns safety your gonna call me a still.

I even sent you a pm apoligizing. go choke on a fucking donkey dick.

i apoligize for this post to everyone except 3sny.

ur fine with me showoff…not mad at u , sent u pm.

ok replyed post erased.