eric berrys 2010 camaro

status symbol to try and show your someone? Just cause you have the opportunity to afford those high-end exotics doesn’t mean you need to purchase one. the owners of those vehicles are part of the small penis crowd. Ever see their forums and the way they carry themselves? They make themselves out to above everyone that owns a non-exotic. Buying a Mustang, Camaro or Challenger and modding it gains more respect then just buying your slow pos status symbol. Hell i think it was Jason Giambi bought a Shelby super snake a few years ago. Which started life as a 6cylinder 68 fastback, hell big ben has a 68 cutlass 442, H. Ward has a 66 mustang vert, Kordel stewart had a 71 chevelle. Just a few athletes that bought an American car and a not an exotic.