Eric from CRC is Legit!

Well now it’s going to be next to impossible to drive to work without fapping…

No way around it, without Eric there would be no CRC. Mechanical/Body/Paint his work is flawless.

There remains three of us at CRC and each of us put time into every car that comes in and out of the doors of CRC. As with this mustang each person at the shop played a role in getting it done. Each one of us take pride in what we do for our customers. Glad to have it come out well and another happy customer appreciates it.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying the three of you put time into each and EVERY car that goes into CRC… Taking pride in your work on the other hand, I would hope you’d do.

if you have some person problem with someone at crc please dont shit up this thread or section of the forum… theres a battle field and las vagas section please take it else where

Nah, no problem. Just making sure the credit goes, where the credit is due.

We all deserve some credit. He wasn’t the only one to work on this car to for instance. I also don’t need or care if my name is mentioned. Most don’t know my name on here or know when I work on their car, but to be stripped of credibility in starting this business, and providing a livelihood for Eric is not needed. Chris how’s your brushquard and grill looking still. Still love the way it came out and the design you went with.

Capt Morgan , let him be as Hotwheels put the ducks in a row for that place to be there so he can say as he wishes .

If you noticed, and weren’t so defensive and pissy (which is an indicator in itself) I said EVERY as there are projects that Eric doesn’t touch that go through the doors.

keep the rest of my comments reserved for another place and time.

As the title states, Eric is the man and I can’t refer enough people to him.

Last time I was at CRC, Eric made sexy eyes at me – I was flattered and taken back at the same time. The erection lasted for hours, fortunately Mike was there to help with that… That being said, I love all the CRC folks. Mike did my exhaust, looks and sounds amazing and Eric has done some excellent mechanical work for me at an amazing price. I couldn’t be happier.


No worries and thanks johnny d

hotwheels, your not at crc anymore?

Where have you been brotato?

I fucking love the internet.

I am thinking of making a “CRC” username to only use for posts about the shop’s work. So the I’s done mean Mike, they mean the Capital Region Customs. Aparantly the WE’s I try my damn’dest to use in their place dont seem to work.

Common sense says the single full time empolyee the place has might have his digits on a majority of the work durring the week. This car, kevin worked on it as much as he could along side eric… I didnt do shit on it actually.

neverthe less the invoice says to pay CRC not the individual who worked on it.

mike its ok… ive tried to wrap this thread around my head but it seems like previous owner/worker is entitled to say whatever they want because it was “theirs” at one point… awesome cool story… you and kevin are just little peons that hang out at crc and get paid monies!!! thats a awsome gig guys! (no disrespect to eric what so ever i know guys that worked with him at armory and have nothing good to say about him) this is just a little too much tight panties bundled up in a wad going on here and some respect needs to be give to a place that does our car community good…

and like i said before if you havew a problem with a certain person at crc take it else where, if you have a bad experience with the workmenship or what not involving the place of business as a whole by all means post it in this section! other then that i think everyone on here can be a big enough man/woman to take care of their personal issues in person.


The boys at CRC all deserve some kind of recognition…

Eric works there FULL TIME (aka does not have another job he can rely on if he doesn’t make money from CRC) do I think that deserves a little more recognition… YES.

Does that mean the other two partners don’t do shit- NO. Just makes their situations different. Of course Eric is there during the day, but you drive by anytime after 5 and most likely will see Mike & Kevin’s cars at the shop (make sure to honk obnoxiously- they love that).

i always honk :slight_smile:

I’m going to sit back and continue to LOL at this thread. Captain Morgan, you have no idea what goes on at CRC and I can promise you and everyone else that CRC would not be an operating, functioning day to day business if it wasn’t for Eric. Period.

I haven’t said once that Kevin and Mike don’t contribute, I’m CLEARLY stating that there “contributions” alone would not come close to keeping the doors open.

With that being said, AGAIN, I refer everyone I can to Eric and as I discuss with him almost daily, I hope the business continues to grow.

Bottom line for me and my brother is this.

Make sure Eric puts food on the table and keeps a roof over his head, through bringing work to him to accomplish, doing what we (kevin and I) can work wise to get him paid through the shop, and try to not loose the short fuse’s we (kevin and I) have left from the struggle we signed up for when we signed the LLC. MY (when speaking for myself) bussiness is the #1 priority in my life right now, and it I dont even make $ there. I have lost friends over it and pissed off/almost lost 2 more all becasue my focus is like a laser beam at times… business first, everything else can fuck right off. 230 Western Turnpike has ZERO room for selfish bullshit, childish nonsense and any other crap that stands in my way from seeing this place work in the long run.

If ANYONE has a problem with me swing by and tell me. If you think I have a problem with you, also swing by and tell me… I dont have hardly an hour to spend with my wife, so I sure as hell wont be activly attempting to confront people to settle OUR issues.

Benny, happy belated fathers day.