ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Found a pic of Erngotti’s latest mod

Look closely at that light pod


unce unce unce


ok… weird

You do realize youre the shift 518 village idiot, right?

lol yes, i do

Turns out Mitsubishi got hold of this thread and decided to stop making Evo’s…

Good Job ErnGotti

:rofl :rofl plus rep.


Its not just evos. All cars are gonna be electric. This car, originially one idea was to put 4 electric motors, one at each wheel, to make it approx 400hp stock. Good thing about electric motors is the power is 100% there right from the get go and never tapers off. The torque and hp curves aren’t curves at all. theyre straight lines.

And I dont want a gauge pod thats off to the side. I had that. Its annoying to turn your head constantly

You piss me of with how dumb you are.


Have I ever once told you I dont like what you’re doing with your car and how it pisses me off? If you wanna do what you want done to an EvoX then fuckin buy one and do it. Or stfu.

Your fucking car is stock dude, what do you need to be constantly looking at?! Constantly watch the road and dont ride jdaniels ass.

I love this thread. Cannot wait to meet ernald.

I had some kid on the way home from florida in an evoX with the same pod on his dah riding my ass for about 5 miles untill i fucking blew his doors in. I really think sOme of these owners thinking because they have an awd turbo car its faster than anything on the road.

Because they are dummy. Ask Peter

I hate taking corners, it’s like you gotta turn your head over there to the left or the right, I’d rather just look straight all the time…