ErnGotti's 08 EvoX

Erngotti, there is no point in using the Ntercooler. People will just make fun of you for it because it’s some ricer gimmick. Co2 costs less and would work better. Just sell it to put money towards a tune.

NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING??? Proof is in the pudding right there buddy. Know your car like the bottom side of your nutsack. don’t mess with modifying it until you EXCEED THE CAPABILITIES OF THE CAR YOU ALREADY HAVE. You launch it correctly with the apparently already included 2step you will shave 2 tenths off your time I bet. That would be the same gains if you were to say spray a 50 shot down the throttle body! Idiots throw money and parts at a car to go fast, real drivers just get better at driving.

Thats why people bust on your balls so much. You bought a car you (sorry to say this) cant handle. Its like taking a intermediate skiier, dropping them on some race skiis and sending them down a run next to a real racer on the same skiis. it has nothing to do with the equipment you spent money on, and will get laughed at by everyone watching. same thing as this thread.

A tune isnt going to do shit for you, if you cant drive it. Wheels/tires arent going to do shit if you cant drive it. Suspension isnt going to do shit… intercoolers wont do shit…

Just drive the fucking thing as is, prove us all wrong that you are being held back by a multimillion dollar backed R&D companies hard work THEN mod it.

I know how to drive my car pretty well…

what did you run at lebanon? 60’?


As in turn the key and point it? If thats the case maybe so. But I ment DRIVE the car, not stunt in the car. You just learned how to sorta launch it a few days ago, because someone else told you what to do. And you immediately noticed a difference in how it took off. Also you think it oversteers and is too tight so you need new tires and suspension. You think you need a retune and all this other crap to go faster…

I know a hand full of drivers that never set foot in your car and could throw down faster lap times, and cut quicker ET’s than you. in fact let me beat on your car down Maple Ave ext, and lets see who cuts a quicker ET on the street!

I thought I could drive damn good myself, then I got in the passanger side of a car (slooow under powered, heavy, less than 200hp car) with a talented driver with more seat time in that car, someone who knows every thing going on about the car down to the inch lbs on the seatbelt harness bolts and blew me away. And actually blew away $80K Z06 vettes, GT3 911’s, cars with 3 times the money and 3 times the power!

It isnt the car. If you were driving a 1998 Subaru Impreza RS I MIGHT think its time for you to upgrade a little. Not a damn EvoX! lol

Erngotti I’ll give you $50 to let me co-drive your car at the next auto x.

INFACT. When it drys out, lets have a spirited drive up around the lake, up by the dam. I bet I can outrun you in the Jetta with a stock 1.8T 180 crank motor.

fuck that, I’ll do it in my stock 175hp automatic jetta :ponder

Yeah that’s smart, race around on public roads like it’s fucking lime rock.


coming from mr dorifto himself?
practice on the streets then take it to the track? :rofl

No, no…I have first dibs!!!

Lots of overconfident drivers ITT.

I bang across intersections in wide open areas with few or no cars around at most. I don’t go blasting around on 2 lane roads intentionally racing people to prove who the better driver is, knowing one of the people I’m with is probably going to be a danger to himself. That’s just dumb.

I practice at the track to be safer on the street :rofl

Shane gets first dibs, thats correct. Later in the summer (after Edinburg) I will let someone autoX my car under three conditions: 1.) $50 borrow my car fee 2.) You pay your own entrance fee 3.) You respect my car like its your own (i.e. drive the shit out of it to get good times but dont do dumb shit like burn my clutch or tires)

Ok, you have a deal. :excited

This guy will never grow out of his honda-ricebiscuit mentality, let him be.

The Honda Stigma!

I’m under confident