Ethanol plant to be located in Buffalo

Could be a good boost to Buffalo including increasing ship traffic. And it uses 4 grain elevators.

Oh noooo now they cant knock down the delapidated grain towers to build a nice waterfront casino…nooooooooooooooo

It is weird to see an industrial company actually coming to buffalo. Must be too expensive to run pipes from the coast

those are different elevators.

:tup: thats really cool!

I think this is fantastic, but its an $80 million project that will only yield 65 full time jobs.

Also, I want to know if the ethanol process will create any horrible smell downtown or if it will still smell like sweet, sweet cereal.

Think of this. It’s a business coming IN to Buffalo. And since that will be there, the Casino, etc… It could mean some type of revitalization, 65 jobs or not. Other businesses will develop around it.

That is probably why Buffalo won it, no other city wanted the polution.:biglaugh:
Desperate cities usually get the undesirable inustries.:biglaugh:

are these the silos that are right in the middle of the marina with all the blow boats?

if the ethonol plant is here then a small industry will have to devlope around it for distribution + many of the gas startions around here will start carrying it. and even better than that it makes more power for boosted cars so I can convert the SHO make more power and save money :slight_smile:

this is amazing… even if ethonol ends up being about the same price as gasoline i honestly do not care as long as the money is staying in america.

With this high of a demand on corn more parts of OUR country have a chance to make some serious money… instead of sending it over seas

hhhuuugggeeee :tup: from me

They should sell some pure ethanol without mixing it in fuel form to the general public. Wholesale everclear FTW

there was a big article in the paper about this today.

I think its great :tup: they are taking run down useless grain silos and using them in their production facility. it accomplishes bringing in new industry and also in revitilizing a run down area. According to the article in the paper, there will be about 60 great lakes freighter deliveries per year, along with train deliveries from the adjacent railyard.

Since there are already massive grain silos, a port, and a railyard that is a perfect location for the industry.

yea for buffalo! lol

it’s cool how the side effects will help. for instance, the runoff is oxygen rich water that will help the buffalo river. that’s cool.

the amount of ships that come in will go up 3 times, the railway usage will increase, yeah only 65 jobs but whatever. think off all the offshoots of industry this will create. and they aren’t knocking those things down so nobody will have a fit. awesome.

this is good news! this week i stumbled upon this:


Any business coming in and starting a fresh is good news.

They had an article in Business First a couple months ago.
UB is making bio too.

One thing about ethanol is that sugar cane has a much higher yield than corn so you can expect South America to make TONS of money.

I dont know what its gonna smell like, but dont worry I will keep going to work to make that sweet cereal smell for ya LOL

i love the smell of cheerios in the morning…i work right on the water by the marina/shanghai reds and i love that smell…we always try to guess what is being made…and even if it does smell cant smeel worse than the NOCO place on River Rd off the 190


That place REAKS.
