Even Long Island doesn't want them

You will NEVER find Guidos:
-Playing football in a park
-Wearing a shirt if it is not required
-Politely ordering a meal at a restaurant
-Looking a man in the eyes when shaking his hands
-Purchasing any goods or services with money they actually earned
-Doing the right thing
-Having a pleasant demeanor
-Being truly happy
-Having an educated opinion on a worldly issue

bump, fuck long island skanks

recent conversation brought up some old rage from my UB days

me: ok youre getting back to anger again
chino: im telling you
it swells up
i really hate em
i think i actually started a thread on nyspeed
now i must find it

still trying to find it, i really thought i started it but apparently i didnt.

i really hate the LI women more than the ginnys, but i certainly hate em both


lol why do these fucking nut jobs think they are the shit. anyone can stick there finger in a socket and get electrocuted to look like them! hell you may even bronze from doing it. lol

and the girls that like these guys! what the fuck is wrong with them. typically its the stuck up bitchy ones though if i’m not mistaken. the high maintenance prissy bitch, whos mother and father buy them everything

who do u think u r bro?
dont come here talkin shit bout my hair style, maybe if u got out to a actually decent club rather than a fuckin lame sports bar once in a while ud see what REAL women want.
but i bet u r too busy playin xbox when im fuckin workin out and keepin in shape, why should i hide my physique when i spend time and money maintianing it.
i obviously get way more pussy than u could ever dream of…maybe its because of my body (that i work hard for) or my good looks, i, unlike u actually groom my self, gel my hair and get my eyebrows waxed. i actually have a sweet car, a 2001 trans am, that is much faster then anything you fucking own, and the ladies love my car because they know how fast it is.

This is probably the most witty thing sedlmeier has ever posted

Man I fucking barge into the club and my favorite shit is when a bouncer got this look on his face like “wow look at this swole ass bro he shows me up, i can see the striations and vascularity through his versace button down and the teardrop through his D&G jeans” then im like “listen boss, i know the owner, so im going to walk right in and you arent going to say shit to me, capiche?”

he usually nods his head and i give him a 20 spot. if he gives me problems i lay him the fuck out, simple as that, no questions asked.

now when i actually get into the club, i look for the best lighting, the lighting where your jawline looks fucking sexy as hell and your delts are just fucking poking out your shirt as if you got motherfuckin watermelons under there. the bitches start lining up, and i start fucking feeding them my cock with the quickness at my VIP table, one after the next. before i feed them my anaconda i ask them what they feel is my best body part as i do a front double bi, the correct answer is “everything”

I am so glad you bumped this because I had never seen that website. There is a difference between “taking care of yourself” and the general douchebaggery that seems to be going on in these cases.


Because when we walk into a club we want to take it over, its like a business and we are Donald Trump, Bill Gates, and Steve Wynn of the fitness/club nightlife world and we just take over. I bust a front double bicep as soon as i get in, then after 2 red bull and vodkas i rip my shirt off and usually just sport a tank because “i have a buzz” which i really don’t but its an excuse to take my shirt off and if anyone asks “I’m hot from the alcohol” then i hit up the bathroom and look for the handicap stall to get a good pump with the dip bars for the gimps, and we just do our thing you know, all ripped shredded bros just macking on pussy making everyone else feel like shit, were tanner, were more shredded, and we make it rain with the cash flow, goose bottles left and right bro

so when do we cue the shirtless marcus pic?