Even Long Island doesn't want them




that shit is hilarious

as an italian from the LI, i feel ashamed. rest assured i dont look or act like these idiot. i support the revolution


““the growing “Guido” phenomenon””

‘das UberGeigh’ :lol:


seen them…alive…lol


afxtc777 is in there like 10 times

you would think that those lee hotti guys would have put a bullet through their heads a while ago with all the people ridiculing them on the internet :lol:

You would think. Too bad it’s not the case.


But OMFG on the chops!


joel, just because I get ass and I never heard of any such thing happenening to you dont talk shit haha.

anyways yes I have spiky hair however I dont have the long island blowout, I dont go nuts when “club” music comes on and last off i’m not italian i’m french.

sorry I take pride in my appearance and like to look good :wink:

I know your just fuckin around but still!!! asshole lol

and BTW anyone thats hungout with me, knows im an extremely nice and fun person to go out with I don’t act like one of them.

and like it or not, as much as all the hate they get who do you usually see with the girls? Guys that take care of themself or guys that go out wearing a plain t and kmart jeans?
not showing any predjudice whatsoever, just stating a point at. Feel free to disagree since i’ve only worked in bars/clubs for 5+ years now and see what goes on everday. BTW this doesnt mean you have to have gotti hair, just take pride in your appearance.

so stop with the hate.

EDIT: you know, there’s a lot more i want to say, but i’m not gonna fuck with this thread. i’d keep it to PMs, but i’m not gonna be a shit talker from 6 states away, which it would be like. hell, i obv already am.

i’ll say this much: i don’t like you. but that’s neither here nor there, and my reasons for that probably aren’t really worth anyone’s time here.

i’m through. On with the thread.

Maybe I’m just not hip, but I don’t get it. Why do they have to either smirk or pucker in pictures, why can’t they just smile like a normal person does for pictures? :gotme:

One thing these “guidos” have in common is that they all look downright unintelligent. Not stupid, or dumb, or anything like that. They look plain and simple like they have low IQ’s and would have difficulty with basic math.

It’s all the gel, and tanning lotion. The bullets just bounce off.

EDIT: And the lipstick too.

the lipstick is what make it all work (read:gay)

"The shear number of Guidos on Long Island has grown exponentially over the past decade. And the problem is only getting worse, as lost teens across Nassau and Suffolk county fall victim to this plague in an attempt to achieve any type of identity. "

LOL good stuff

I’ve met you when, if you wana talk shit and tell me you don’t like me I’d be more than happy to discuss that with you in person.(let me know whens good for you, as i’d love to find out why and here you say that to me)
Back on topic, I havn’t even spiked my hair in forever and I did it purposely last night because of this thread lol.
I love the hate but enough I need some sleep I just got home now.


You may find Guidos…

  • Doing Cocaine in the public restroom at a beach
  • Saying “forget about it” when it does not apply
  • Acting out what they “would do” to Carmen Electra at a family restaurant
  • Talking about how they respect Usher
  • Turning up the Bass in an Excursion while passing a crowd of people.
  • Crying outside an Excursion while being searched by the police.
  • Asking “Do you know who I am?” in an attempt to bluff his way out of a fight.
  • Calling a girl a bitch because she doesn’t like being groped by a stranger.
  • Watching “Growing up Gotti” as a group.
  • Driving at pace with a girl, who is angrily walking down the side of the road, trying to apologize to her over techno music
  • In a BMW with blue neon lights glowing from the bottom while speeding down the 495.
  • Drinking Coors light on a 25’ boat while blaring the “Boys are back in town” by Thin Lizzy.
  • Quoting Scarface ad nauseam
  • Making fun of someone for using the word ad nauseam.
  • Explaining to a mason how the working man is a sucker before taking his daughter out on a date.
  • Pretty much embarrassing Italian-Americans & all human beings everywhere.