Real funny post, check this out.....

So I stole this from another forum but let me give a little preface. Some douche bag posted this on a mixed martial arts forum. The pages only get better the farther you go so dont stop on 1.

what a bunch of homos lmao :lol:

Good stuff. Seriously though if you hang out with guys with the exact same haircut and you arent in the military, doesnt that make you a cult?

maybe they are a really really gay cult of homos.

this is just terrible!!!

it’s only a cult if there is a secret plan for them all to committ suicide…which I hope there is. As of right now, if they get caught doing anything the least bit criminal, they can be charged with “gang activity” related shit.

:tup: to them for getting the butt-sex they always wanted.

I’ve been to Jersey a number of times and if any of you think this guy is a gimmick, I am fairly sure he’s not.

I can’t even direct my response to him, because he’s so far gone… there’s no turning back. You wouldn’t believe how serious these guys take their night life. It is the pinnacle of their existence, it’s beyond repulsive.

But to answer some questions you guys might have for a person like him:

  1. Yes, he actually thinks he looks good. And he’s referring you all as “haters” because he actually thinks you are jealous of his “look”… not just because you’re making fun of him.

  2. Yes, he gets his eyebrows waxed, shaves/trims/waxes different areas of body hair, wears makeup, and has strawberry flavored lip gloss. He takes more time to get ready to go out than most women, his parents wonder where they went wrong.

  3. He thinks he can fight, and probably puts in overtime busing tables during the week so he has more money to spend on weekends at bars and clubs. Just go to grab something to eat, he’s going to be concerned about what he’s wearing.

  4. He spends each day of the week organizing, planning, and arguing with his friends which clubs they are going to be attending that weekend… and what color button down striped shirts they are going to be wearing, headbands, concealer, etc.

I could go on… but imagine how bad you think it “might be” for this guy and multiply it a few times. It’s a sickness really, like religious hysterics almost… just with partying and the NYC/Jersey nightlife.

However, there are women who are attracted to these types of metro he/shes. Believe it or not.

Oh snap,…iendid=33919082…iendid=28707875…iendid=34797668…iendid=20279748…iendid=22865215

THey are fo real, hey one of the best lines on that site, “Looks like they are at the premiere for Brokeback Mountain.” HAHAHAHA

oh damn their myspace pages worked before but not anymore. Dont worry just more gayness going on.

You have no idea - this is the shit that floods bars in NYC

well, some of them

his cousin and his “new lexus” is it me or does it look like it was damaged already in 2 places? and also repainted with almost no gloss on the deck lid

HAHAHA, there was another great post on that site that said, the real lexus owner came out of the bar and said “hey dickhead, get away from my car.”

It looks like he is actually in the process of farting.

“I just gotto wonder… whats with that head tilt and jaw to the sky pose in every picture? I mean why, oh God, why, cause it looks absolutely model-wannabe-retarded-pose.”

I just made it through all 31 pages with tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard…good find…made my day!:lol: :lolham:

lol dude looks like liza manellie (sp?)

“Wow, you boys look like you’re on the hunt for some gayness in your anus…”

you guys are a bunch of H8ers

i love how in their myspace profiles they all tYpE LyKe ThIs. try it for a bit… its not fun.

wow. just wow…


haha great thread