Ever estimate how many times you've beat off?

I knew a kid in high school that calculated how many miles he had fucked his girlfriend, based on how big it was, average number of thrusts each time, how many times they did it, etc…

HAHAHAHAA Thats a good one too!

Whats the forumal get it!

Inches x Thrusts x Fucks = xxxxx inches -> convert to miles.

Dont worry dude… even if you fuck for hours, every day… you woldnt make it around the block with your needle dick.


You silly fuck :rofl

No really you are right :cry:

This is why I have a g/f and trust me, she gets the job done. Just about a year of the best sex I have ever had in my life. No need to rub it out.

i rub it out even after sex, nothing like good ol jerkin

+1 dude

theres been days where we had sex like 3 times, and when she wsant around I jerked off anyways

sometimes it just feels good

I hear you but the thing is, she like to get it ALL out. She loves it for some reason. When she’s done i’m as dry as a 80 year old vagina.

Check your balls then, cause seriously, I bust some biggg fuckin nuts… and I don’t tend to run out

Ok i wasn’t being literal about that bit. What I was implying is that when you have sex like twice a day, not just quickie get it done sex, but like, sex until you pass out sex, you tend to not feel the need to rub it out. Or at least I don’t anyway. Save it for later.


Not true in my case

After a nap im good for rubbin it out

thats cause you really like men :ahh :rofl

seriously though, when i’m in a relationship avg once a day, other than that it depends on how bored i am but at least 1x

i was 10.

im married… if i did the math it would crash IBMs new petaflop processor


rolf, :asshole

Anyone ever passout bustin a nut in the shower? My gf blew me yesterday, and I was 90% to the point where I was going to pass out. I saw stars, and felt really tipsy, but didnt loose vision, so i was that close to passing out. LOL I was just thinking how funny it was if you passed out in the shower after wackin it, and someone heard the crash and walked in with ou slumped over the tub with your dick in hand. ahahahaha

oh man could i tell ya stories