Ever thought you were fucked up?


Fear not 5 minutes of reading though this site will make you feel normal again. :tup:
WARNING: Some parts are NWS for text based content

Either that or fear society for the rest of your short life.

just curious, how is text going to be NWS?

i am bisexual and really fancy my best friends mum and dad. i fantasize about fucking them both. i want to have a threesome with them. i’d like him to be fucking her in the ass, and then he’d pull out every so often and let me suck and lick the shit of his cock.

everytime i see my friend i can’t help getting a thrill about wondering what he would think if he knew!

thats how.

it’s still text. unless you have the browser set to huuuuge text, it’s still not obvious that it’s XXX material. Typically, the NWS is slapped on stuff that co-workers and bosses would blow you in for having on your monitor (or coming out your speakers, if you’re so lucky)

Don’t get bent about it.
It was a good warning

damn…even I can spell better than that. now thats saying something.

I just love when jacking off, if my semen lands in my belly button. It’s like I made the closing second basket in a basketball game. Fuck yeah, 2 points!!!


my bad. I was just in one of those “WTF is this shit” mood yesterday.

It is a good read though! lol

A girl was freaking out after my condom broke, so I pulled out some ibuprofen and told her it was a day after pill.

Little lies like that never hurt people.


:lol: I read that site all the time when im bored at work.


those ppl are way beyond fucked up lol

One night, after having a badass sex with my girfriend. We were playing around and she licked my lower stomach, and all of a sudden I felt a tingley feeling around my penis. I looked down, and she was giggling. Apparently, she had stuck a half-inch rusty nail down my peehole. To this day, I still have the nail in a sock in my drawer.

I am a lonely sociopath,it stems from when i was 13, i shagged a daytripper to my seaside town,it was my first time and she was was on the rag,so instead of taking the tampax out i shoved the damn thing in and carried on regardless untill it started hurting,me not her.The tampax got stuck and i realised i did’nt care, and now i cant get a girlfriend because i insist on shagging em on the rag with a tampax inserted…So now i sit at home angry and masturbate till i get rid of the psychotic frustration…And i like fighting though i dont know why…

Once, when I thought I was pregnant, I attempted to shove a metal coathanger up my pussy to kill any poteneial fetus…then I punched myself in the stomach over and over again…a pregnancy test taken a week later showed I was never pregnant…I acted so retarded over nothing!

:bloated: :gotme:


OK…I stopped reading after these 2

I like to feel my turds in the toilet after I take a dump.

Sometimes the most erotic thing i can think of is eating a womans flesh. Just ripping her apart with my teeth. No particular spot, just anywhere so i can bite of a huge chunk of meat.

WTF people?!?!?!??!?!

i could have written this:

I hate the idea of commitment. Not in a sexual relationship per se, but when it involves friends. If somebody asks me to go out and have breakfast with them, I get pissed. they just ruined my whole day by having to set aside time for them. Most people catch on to the fact that I find them to be an in convincence early on in the friendships, so they just stop calling/talking to me. Good riddens.

except i would have spelled riddence correctly.

wanna go to lunch today?

i’ve posted on there before, it’s been around for a long time… i just posted again, but it won’t be up for a week or so…

no, but i have thought you were fucked up fuzzy.