Ever wonder who would win.




you forgot those sweet metal nets that tighten up and slice through whats ever in them. Plus that buzz saw thing he throws and cuts through everything. That alone would get him to beat the terminator and robocop since they both move so damn slow.


you forgot those sweet metal nets that tighten up and slice through whats ever in them. Plus that buzz saw thing he throws and cuts through everything. That alone would get him to beat the terminator and robocop since they both move so damn slow.



i’m glad people are starting to realize that the predator is the real deal

the only terminator that would ever stand a chance is this one:


omg i feel like we should just really duke it out after that ensemble of insults


Awesome invisibility Suit
Mounted Shoulder Cannon
Nuclear equipped Self-Destruct capabilities
Sweet Retractable Claws
9 foot tall with 6/pack and 4% bodyfat
Really cool spear thing
Awesome futuristic mask which had thermal and night vision and voice manipulation…
and a mouth so wide he could eat a baby rabbit in one bite


Bad acting
Tin Can armor
Such a puny wimpy body he could hide a gun in his leg since his thighs were so weak
a crappy jet pack


bad acting
no sweet weapons
poor spanish accent


Listen, Terminator doesn’t need all the fancy weapon shit. He needs a sawed off shotgun and a motorcycle. That’s it.
Doesn’t feel pain
Doesn’t have remorse
Is made completely out of metal
Lives for 120 years on 1 friggin battery
Can minic anyone’s voice
Can replay things from his internal memory
Is stronger than 5 men
Can withstand fire

I can’t believe you would stick up for that rasta haired alien homo.

Shit if Arnold can beat the Predator as a mere human, as The Terminator he would annilate The Predator.


Shit if Arnold can beat the Predator as a mere human, as The Terminator he would annilate The Predator.




Shit if Arnold can beat the Predator as a mere human, as The Terminator he would annilate The Predator.




Terminator would destroy!!

Fucking Robocop couldn’t walk when he had his mechanical achilles hit by a bullet.

Terminator beat the T1000 with only 1 arm!!!


Fuck yeah man!! That vid was weak. Terminator>>>>>>>>>>>> Robodouche.

this thread has me lolling