Ever wonder who would win.

If Robocop, and the Terminator went at it?

Brought to us by the same people that created Robocop vs. Neo. Pretty damn good editing job.

Thats sweet

Edit: after watching the vids I call :bsflag:. Terminator would destroy Robocop!!!




How is that fair terminator is cheating in that fight!

What is it with all thing Arnold today.

This is fucking brilliant. Why couldn’t that have been real Hamlet would have been so much better. :lol:

how does robocop win… i won’t watch the video if he’s the winner.

which terminator does he fight

what about terminator vs. aliens vs. robocop vs. predator vs. jackie chan?

wtf where did the predator come from???


vs. Chuck Norris roundhouse


vs. Chuck Norris roundhouse



i hate chuck norris and any reference to chuck norris.

Robocop FTMFW! :tup:



i hate chuck norris and any reference to chuck norris.


…sad realization that he is all that is man, and by all that is man meaning the most overly used comparison on the internetz :pimp:

Terminator would destroy!!

Fucking Robocop couldn’t walk when he had his mechanical achilles hit by a bullet.

Terminator beat the T1000 with only 1 arm!!!

I don’t see how you can beat the terminator. That fucking Edward Furlong got lucky that Terminator didn’t decide to turn on him afterwards.

I think it would be a close battle, Robocop seems better protected against small-arms fire. The Terminator has a complete disregard of human-life/morals/able to kick ass even when missing limbs. Aww who am I kidding The Terminator would rape Robocop, and just about anyone else that got in it’s way.



i hate chuck norris and any reference to chuck norris.


Lost a family member to RHK syndrome did ya.

terminator isn’t the end all be all. he sucks. so does robocop.

i mean who would ever pick a stupid tin can over THIS:


Pffttt… no robot/cyborg no care.


Pffttt… no robot/cyborg no care.




terminator isn’t the end all be all. he sucks. so does robocop.

i mean who would ever pick a stupid tin can over THIS:


Predator is a bitch. Put a little mud on yourself and he can’t see shit. Oh and how did he die? He got pinned uder a rock or tree or something and then killed himself. What a little pussy. Couldn’t face his fate and let Arnold give him the death blow. Predator = :hang:

Arny Pungee logged that mother fucker.


Predator is a bitch. Put a little mud on yourself and he can’t see shit. Oh and how did he die? He got pinned uder a rock or tree or something and then killed himself. What a little pussy. Couldn’t face his fate and let Arnold give him the death blow. Predator = :hang:


omg i feel like we should just really duke it out after that ensemble of insults


Awesome invisibility Suit
Mounted Shoulder Cannon
Nuclear equipped Self-Destruct capabilities
Sweet Retractable Claws
9 foot tall with 6/pack and 4% bodyfat
Really cool spear thing
Awesome futuristic mask which had thermal and night vision and voice manipulation…
and a mouth so wide he could eat a baby rabbit in one bite


Bad acting
Tin Can armor
Such a puny wimpy body he could hide a gun in his leg since his thighs were so weak
a crappy jet pack


bad acting
no sweet weapons
poor spanish accent

Cums all over the place when flexing muscles