Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicals anyone?

Anybody see it last night? 2nd premier is on tonight at 9pm. I thought it was pretty cool, good effects, its got potential as a good series.


Good lookin out! I missed it last night, but will definitely DVR it tonight. Do you know when the regular airing is supposed to be?

A few members I talked to said they really liked it… and the friendly terminator is supposed to be hot, which is good. :tup:

Watched it last night. It wasn’t bad.


I couldn’t even watch 3 minutes of it

I wastched it but didn’t really get into…watched the opening like 10 minutes…then went on the computer and had it on in the background…nothing really grabbed my attention with it though

2/5 :tup: 's

not sure when the regular airing is?

IDK, 87fox and i were on the edge of our seats, definately got into it. Zong what did you not like?

Terminator chick is very hot :tup: I’d hit it lol


shit was gay, why cant they just let this series die. srsly, 3 was ok. let it die with that. the series doesnt even follow the fucking movies, i hate it.

fuck this tv show.

and the female terminator ate a fucking chip, how the fuck does a terminator eat???


^^but she said she was a new model… and she was prolly hinting at jon that she has a pooper he could stick it in, cause if food can go in…it has to come out :tup:

John Connor is a pussy. How can you get a head start and run your ass off and then Terminator walks outside slowly after taking care of shit and John is only 20 feet away from where he started from. He’d move faster in a wheelchair or on crutches.

I think he will be the leader of the future only because he has mad accounting skillz and not for his fighting ability.

I’ll watch it tonight and make more judgements later.

And the Terminator chick is hot. But the chip eating thing threw me off too. What does robot shit look like?

LOL same things Fox and i said last night! :tup:

I thought it followed the movies fine? Somewhere on here there is a timeline of events and a whole storyline between movies, this series fills in those gaps. Occurs between T2 & T3. Personally i thought the 3rd one was the worst. just my opinion.

We’ll see how tonights episode goes, i’ll tell you later if i’m still into it or not haha, definately giving it a chase tho.


10 mins of watching…

it was horrible

ya, the 3rd one wasn’t the best at all but it was still ok.

and for the 3rd one john connor never said anything about traveling into the future, hell, I didn’t even think you could travel into the future, only the past. plus, in the 3rd one iirc sarah connor died in the early 2000’s or late 90’s. its fucking gay, fuck this tv show, its contradicting and fucking corny. writers need to come up wit beter ideas, not rehash old storys, this show fucks with an awesome movie series

Watched it thought it was pretty good.

Watched it last night. Thought it was pretty decent. I am watching it again now.

haha tell us how you really feel? jk… Ya i havnt seen the movies in along time, sarah connor died of leukemia in 1997 and they did say that in this episode, the terminator girl told her she was already dead at this time (2005). i know its not for everybody, i’m still into it, this episode tonight is pretty sweet so far. gotta let the series run alittle and see how it goes.


i kinda like it, its hard to forget everything about the 3rd but its entertaining so far. Looks great in HD.

sarah connor died of lukemia, john connor ran away when he was 13, completely doesnt follow the movies which were fucking great, terminator 4 is due in june 09, arnold wont be in it tho, wtf, its gonna be queer, lots of good things go to shit, this is just sumthing tv should of left alone

the series is between T2 and T3