Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicals anyone?

the show still sucks.

the series completely ignores the fact that T3 existed

and the series can only end with sarah connor dying…sooooo how long do they drag it out?

time will tell. still interested but maybe i’m just easily amused.

It follows the same timeline logic as Back to the Futures and Hiro’s :gotme:

jesus fucking christ i hate this show wtf !&@(*^(!!!

meh, the show is :tif: at best. some of the scenes were ridiculous (like the initial term chasing John via walking vs Johns running).

However, jailbait terminator defender is hott.

I’ll continue to DVR it for when there is nothing else on.

ramsays kitchen nightmares on bbc is much better, dvr that:headbang:

Ramsays are awesome. :slight_smile:

I heard it fits in fine with the other storylines? w/e.

no. reality shows suck. all. of. them.

LOL@ all the hate! Its really not that bad and it has only been on 2 episodes alot of shit can come together.

the only thing the show has going for it is the action scenes which were 7/10 at best.

and the JB Terminator who is 8/10 at best.

Based on watching both episodes back to back last night, it seems like there WAS alot of room to grow the plot and keep it interesting, but now that they are 3 days away from judgement day -and- they’ve answered how Skynet evolves even through Dyson is dead (the T100 that reassembled itself)… what is there to do?

It definitely has some plot holes, like the t100 assembled itself, yet theres supposedly a ton of terminators just walking around, so even if that one didn’t it wouldn’t matter. they could have anyone start up skynet whenever they felt like it. but over all, its better then most shows that have been on recently. I’ll keep watching it.

back to the future acknowledges that everything in the past and future happened

heroes acknowledges that everything had and did happen

this series absolutely denies T3’s existence due to the now changed story of how sarah connor apparently did not die several years prior to this show. theres no mention in T3 about john connor going to the future and back to destroy skynet…which is what the 1st two episodes of this new show have been

those are pretty big details that you wouldnt forget to mention in a big motion picture lol…

Maybe someone went to the future, found a cure for cancer, went back in time, gave the cure to Sarah. Then went back to present time. ???

Either way, with the timeline of this series, they are going to possibly clusterfuck T4 and make it a terrible sequel.

I gave up on some of the episode last night. If I catch it again, I do, but not going to strain myself to get it.

wait, there IS a T4 motion pic in the pipe?

yep yep

well then… how the hell is the show gonna work in there?

can you really try to bring the movie to market exclusive of the timeline changes in teh show?

is the governator going to be in it? (no imdb @ work)

is T4 going to be post T3, and basically be the Terminator version of the Matrix?

oh yea, and with regards to the show: how long before John tries to fuck the T-girl? It seems as if they are already developing her as the love interest.

Still not understanding the concept of her being a robot. But she can eat chips and a possibly future love interest. Kind of throwing the whole timeline and realism out the window with the series.


it might hurt his penis