Another settle a bet thread.

Who’s more badass?

Not who would win in a fight, but who would greater succeed at coming through when the going gets tough, if you will. Think of who you would rather have as a partner, on a mission to save the world.

John Connor: Even as a teenager he was a badass. Getting in trouble with the law etc. Raised military style by his badass mother Sarah Connor, to one day be the leader of the Human Resistance. The survivors of a post apocalyptic era with a mission to destroy the machines that threaten the existence of the human race. For this bet forget anything that happened during “The Sarah Connor Chronicles” that whole series was bullshit and didn’t fit in with the original storyline.


John “Yippee Kayaa motha fuckin” McLain: Straight up badass who single handidly beats the shit out of terrorist armys, 4 times I believe? Shoots guns, flies jets, drives cars, kills hardened soldiers with his bare hands etc. Just your basic all around badass.

Mclain… Only time Connor was a true badass was in Salvation…

McLain… you just can’t kill him.

How about, Marion Cobretti “Cobra” vs McLain?

Are you serious? One Cobra was a horrible movie and two, I want someone I am fighting with that I can understand what they are saying. I know hes speaking english, but fuck

Chuck Noris… 'nough said

^ lol

Come on, Zombie Squad!

I cant believe you dudes are voting for McLain…

Conner was just a whiney kid in Judgement Day; he was a scaredy cat in the 3rd one. Mclain has been a badass since the original Die-hard…

Connor has always been a pussy.

Fuck that shit. He motivates the remaining humans and ends up winning against skynet.

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Edit: I wish the 3rd Terminator was never made. James Cameron even said that the Terminator series ends with the 2nd movie.

Conner is a pussy fggt.

FUCK, i voted for conner on accident. He’s a fucking fairy.

Bruce Willis is just badass by himself.


id rather have vin diesel with a torque wrench

that may be true, but did he ever kill a helicopter with a cop car? no.

McClane,hands down.


Shit,Hans Gruber is better than John Connor.

that music video is awesome… and it reminded me that John McClane has taken out more helicopters than the Taliban…

The only good thing about John Connor is that he was played by my boyfriend Edward Furlong in Judgment Day.

The only decent ‘Die Hard’ was the first one, the rest were fucking laughable.

Idk, for this poll it’d have to be Judgement Day vs the original Die Hard, and I’d go with McLain.