Every colour of the rainbow (no homo)

that RX-7 is WOW. those lights under the flip ups… looks like a projector… lol good way to go about things if u dislike pop up style headlights…

I also love the Honda Championship white pearl

that G35 blue is nice too, but a bit too light for my liking.

Midnight purple is dopeeeee.

those lights are stock on 99+ fds

Oh serious eh? Good to know…

Stock or not it looks amazing

That s15 made me have to change my pants.

+2 on the Fobwall comment by far the most hated/annoying guy on the forum.

You’re just mad cause I was right.

However, I give you some credit for “disguising” this thread and not titling it: “What colour should I paint my 240?”.


He started the what’s your favorite rim thread too…

I really don’t see what is wrong with finding out what ideas and likes others have. Even if he was to find out what’s best for his car (besides the point that he obviously has his own ideas by the amount of pictures he has shown) what is wrong with that. This retarded forum is coming to a point where no one is going to post anything because tards such as fobwall only write negative comments, even when there is nothing negative to talk about. Why do you get your jolly’s from this?


had to.

Well thats true but these negative comments is also self expression of ones opinion :cool:

Besides… who really wants to see another car with black rim with polished lip? :/:

P.S. I play RO too :slight_smile:

anyone interested in painting their car should never ask opinions of other people… whos car is it ? who has to live with it everyday… if 60 people you talk to say blue blue blue, but your best friend says red… your going to paint it red… dont be an idiot and an annoying friend and ask your friends 100 times what colour, it has happened to me with a few of my friends, and they usually never get around to painting it anyways lol -

your car your paint, find something you like, search the new car dealerships, the internet, import fest fuck for all i care, its easy, but im feeling the millennium jade we are painting my hatch that colour !

fest fuck? :confused:

I wasnt talking about the paint, I was just saying that everyones entitled their opinion. I wouldnt paint my car based on someone elses preference but

I just hate how black rims with polished lip is so common. I know it looks great, popular and both shiny and colored at the same time but I’d be picky on what car I put those on, once again “I” so its my personal opinion. :slight_smile:

i know i know i didnt mean to quote you and respond to him lol im agreeing with you lol …holy shit… 1000 posts, neat -

oh lol and haha i missed the word ‘import’… I was confused about how you got rims out of an orgy (fest fuck). Now that I think about it, a mildly disturbing sexual position comes to mind. :/:

oh my god no wonder i didnt get what the hell you meant by “fest fuck” jesus we are both idiots lol - alright no more posting for me tonight - before i loose any more brain cells

haha yeah, well im off too… Interview in a few hours and I’ve been up drinking. :confused:

Seems like Chad is the only one here that is smart enough to understand my point. And it’s not like you need an IQ of 200 to understand my point. You guys are idiots for trying to flame me.

IRO, get over yourself. Thanks for coming out though.

lmmmfao your absolutely correct fobwall

the general populous is way too stupid to understand your point, your genius far surpasses that of any other son member in history.

so its no surprise that of course when u came into this thread talking nothing but shit, u were absolutely correct

i needed good ideas to paint my car, i clearly couldnt find colours and pics myself, so I made a thread and DISGUISED it (ooohhh im quite sneaky) as a favourite colour thread… because the idea of a thread where someone can express their desires is just a massive waste of time… i mean… who would even do it? who would waste their time posting pics of their favourite colours…


goddamnit WHO?!

oh… almost everybody else thats… not… you.

must be because were stupid.

as far as you guys helping me choose my paint… im going with midnight purple

who posted that? Thanks for that post… I’m perfectly content with jacking your favourite colour.

oh wait.

i posted it.

haha, how silly of me.

