everybody here ok? anybody crash?

No, he doesnt drive, as he cant yet, but he doesnt appreciate having to sprint across his street to get his mail to not get run over.

The only good thing about rice, is you can hear them before you see them with the fart cans.

and if you ever get struck by a few BB’s when driving in EA, your pissing someone off

what color/ year was the civic?

Found pictures…


So what have we learned…oh yeah.
Don’t fucking go the wrong way on the 90.

DIAF twat waffle

and your retorts suck too. what are you, girl in senior high or something

EDIT: like two days later: oh yeah you still SUCK


<— wins

Wow yea, your right. Yours are so elite.

Face facts. You were voted off by the original membership. It was done fairly. You tried to cheat and it was obvious to everyone cause blocks of votes(3and4 at a time) came from the same IP addresses in favor of you staying. You tried to manipulate the vote and it was obvious and you were banned. I don’t know what your talking about as far as votes manufactured on both sides. I don’t know of any votes cast against you that were multiple votes from the same IP address. fwiw. Yes, I actively campaigned against you. I don’t want you on our site cause you’ve shown yourself to be a problem.

What we do know with certainty is that the original members on BSR voted you off. By the third day of the vote, all kinds of mystery persons were signing up on BSR to vote and not introducing selves and never to be seen again. And thats when the counts “for” you went way up to match the counts against you. Of course, you know this, and still you argue and act like you were done wrong. We could have just banned you with no vote! If the situation was reversed, I doubt you would have been as “fair” to me.

You say you see my POV. Then you say your being made a scapegoat. How are you being made a scapegoat? You did show the roads to outsiders. You knew that was unacceptable behavior on wnysp. It was understood on wnysp from day 1. Yet you did so anyways without concern for us and then refused to take responsibility and act like its BS your being held accountable. Now you think your being made a scapegoat? You are responsible and everybody knows it so take responsibility. When your long gone, I/we will still be here and still riding. I does matter to me/us.

>And< We are not out there in neighborhoods racing around on our bikes. Thats simply a road we travel through. And we don’t, and never have gone through there at 90mph like you claimed to have done when taking nyspeed through. In fact, anyone on here reading this better not cause the EA cops are on that 200% now after the accident and you will get busted.

This is a perfect example of you. You know I’m a professional fireman. You know that very well. And you make a comment like that. Which is beyond bad judgement frankly. And now your on here saying I misconstrued you from the start and thats a phrase commonly used and still failing to own up to your own stupidity in using it. You are responsible for the things you say Willybeen. You and you alone. You choose what you say. You chose to say that. That was very bad judgement. And, you see the results have been so far pretty long term no? Of course I misread your intention Willybeen. How would you have read that from my POV? These are the types of things you do without thinking. So many, over and over! So maybe its just in your own mind that you’ve been a scapegoat your whole life and maybe if you start thinking you can change that. But… Not on BSR cause its too late.

ps… the wnysp trackday yesterday was awesome. Shame you didn’t make it.

As a relatively original member I vote we ban curvecrazy

<3 lol,

yea… i bet the track would have been a blast…
and i didnt know u were a fireman, i thought u were a paramedic