
Have a nice safe Labor Day!

you too

thank you sir… same to youreself

i am working today:crying:

I’m on the backporch…laptop, morning cup of coffee, and NO plans for today.

This is what Labor Day should be, Have a Good One.

got my cup of coffee too,just going to fuck around all day!

Wife is still alseep too, hopefully she doesn’t take the term “Labor Day” seriously. We are nine months pregnant with a due date of Sept 16. There’s a full moon on the 14th so I 'm guessing that will be the day.

Sonagram says boy! Another gearhead in training for Pittspeed. :scared:


Im definately going to have a good labor day :slight_smile: And i hope you do too !!! btw: dean check the boards friday night for my new updated track times praying it doesnt rain

family picnic at my girlfriends!!! woohoo i love those

its kinda nuts all the babies on the board, they will have a nice lil play group in a few years for the BBQ’s