Anyone who was ever given or loaned a large sum of money from family or close friends to start a business that becomes very successful and doesn’t acknowledge that without it the odds of them being in the same successful shoes would be 10000:1 times harder I don’t think too kindly of to put it nicely. Or somebody given a business that’s already established or partially established that doesn’t acknowledge the same thing. The age old saying “It takes money to make money” is 99.9% true. The more capital behind the endeavor the easier it is to make it successful (given it was run 100% the same way by the rich to begin with owners vs the started with nothing owners). The word “easier” being a giant understatement too.
Nothing burns my nuts more than business owners that are clearly doing much better in life than I (yes it’s an opinion, let’s not even argue that point) that were gifted the opportunity AND are not 110% grateful every moment of their lives for that opportunity they were given. Case and point, my wife’s maid of honor is now engaged to the example I don’t think very kindly of, and now she is her maid of honor. The money spent on the bachelorette deal is 1:8 right now. Just because you’re doing much better than 90% of the people attending the wedding, doesn’t mean we can afford to spend 8 times as much money on you, than you did for us.
It’s not jealousy, it’s called being pissed at arrogance.