Evo 9 RS vs. Arod hatch

Joey, its not a bad vid. Cruise around youtube of most of the wash ext vids. They shake like no other. You could probably pick up a tripod for cheap.

Didnt bother watching the one with music. I(like most people) hate it when people over lay the vid with music so you cant here anything.

k20 your a dick but you make a cool video.

I don’t know why you guys make such a big deal out of someone Using/Not using their nitrous, like its cheating or something. As far as I’m concerened its the same as you upping the boost a few lbs for a race vs on the street…

None the less even a 75 shot on a heavily boosted car and not tuned for nitrous would end in destruction. I would think you should know this.

i disagree. there is a certain silver car with a 75 shot, and its had a bottle on it for a while. runs great. pull 2-4* of timing for a 75shot. and youre golden

I’m not saying its inevidable… but just saying… If you dunno wtf your doing and if enough timing isnt being pulled up top… destruction is iminent…

None the less, me and Jim were just speaking… Everyone thats boosted/blown or juiced is a cheater…

The only real legit cars out there that dont cheat are stock civics with giant wings

Oh and I still noticed a tredn that 90% of everyone I’ve heard say they think nitrous is cheating and don’t lik eit havent driven or even had a ride in a car with nitrous… or even know what its all about…

nitrous isnt for everyone… but its the best HP for the money you can get.

Oh and the only difference between nitrous and a turbo is that you have to fill the bottle… but if thats the case higher octane gas is cheating too as you have to refill that as well

You mean you agree?

On another note…
Nitrous Oxide is the best hp to dollar ratio you can get. Who cares if there is nitrous or not? It’s not cheating. Who cares if they are telling the truth about spraying? A mod to the car is a mod to the car. If their car is faster because of the nitrous, it’s no different than your car being faster because of a big turbo.

i interpreted it as a specific tune for it. as long as you have a means to control timing you can do whatever with it. like my car i could put a wet kit on and go to town with it as i can pull timing over the entire rev range.

nitrous is not for the faint of heart. id love to spray my car, but it would be silly on anything but slicks.

Would make for quite the noise/smoke show though :rofl

There’s really no such thing as a “tune” for nitrous. Nitrous is completely stand alone. It doesn’t care what you have done to your car. Any car that is planning to have nitrous added to should be tuned prior to the N2O installation. The nitrous itself is tuned by changing the jets. You want to maintain the same AFR that the tune on the car is making prior to the installation. (or sometimes a little richer)

i know how it works, but thats not always the case. take for instance, the K20 guys that are spraying. alot of them use K-pro. and they have a flip switch map for the nitrous where timing is pulled and fuel is ADDED by the injectors, and not by the fuel jet. its a direct port system, set up as a dryshot, compensated through the ECU/injectors to run as a wetshot.

Right, dry is different because fuel is added by the injectors.

maybe not around here,but people have specific tunes for nitrous use. some do it differently. on a car with aftermarket ignition boxes you can have, like an msd box, you can get the retard control, and pull timing that way, others like adam just pull timing at the distributor. but it seems on other forums alot more people are running dual maps, one for normal pump or whatever and another optimised for spray. theres no reason not to make the most of what youve got available to you. on my car i could modify my map and store it with a few degrees pulled from it and be ready to go, and just change maps with my cruise control

Hey Everyone, I’ve been talking with Vlad and he got me fixed up so I can defend myself…lol

clears throat

I’ve read ALL 113 posts and I just want to clear up some of the misinterpretations of what was said that night, and was was takin the wrong way. Everyone knows I put my car on the jug, its no big secret now. I’ve sprayed it 3 times and it was stupid to do it after the first knowing that it was knocking on the top of the rpm range (it wasnt bad, but it was knocking none the less). So, there was NO jug that night, for one. Which means yes if the bottle was sitting on the pavment it would have done the same thing as it did when we raced, but i would have been 10 pounds lighter (woooo big deal…lol). (FYI- One of the times I did spray it on a dig and it just blows the tires off it. lol its a pretty good time.) As for the “tune” it IS flashed, its a modified map from Fuckin AL at Dynoflash (thats just what I call him, FUCKIN AL). Thanks Justin for the clean up. The car has NEVER been on the dyno and been tuned, thats what im waiting to do. I have an intercooler and we’re building piping to put on and then its going for the actual custom tune. As for the power I figure im making about 350whp judging by Evom, and looking at other trap speeds and mods. Its gone 11.74 at 116.95. EXACTLY how you see it at the lot. After the tune, i’d like to make about 375 and go 11.5 at like 118 or 119, but we’ll have to see how nice the dyno and track is to me. I dont know why my car runs so good, I may have been blessed with a good one. When I had my 8 RS is was the same thing, “Theres NO WAY that car can go that fast with those mods.” Well it does, so I dont know what to tell you. Maybe everyone else that ownes an evos just suck at driving them. lol jk.

Arod, I will be happy to run you again sometime after its tuned and will gladly take the bottle out if thats what you want. Im the eastiest person in the world to get along with IF I dont get lied to. I know your traps over 120 and quicker than 12.1. (which is what you told me it ran that night at the lot) And if it actually ran that you wouldnt be so surprised that I beat you. So what does it REALLY trap 124…125??? Im not trying to be a dick so dont take it that way. I was 100% honest with you about what my car runs, and I didnt get the same in return, which to be honest is a littile disappointing.

Never said anyone was cheating. I just remember that Sat at the track i saw the bottle when you were getting teched. Just want to know if it was on spray or not. You cleared that up…thanks.

I was telling you the truth the cars best time is 12.1@124, last sat at the track he never got a clean pass, b/c he was breaking axles. Alot of people were there and they can back me up on that.the car has been to the track 3 times. Last two times we broke an axle and one diff. On the radials best ET was 12.6@118 at the track. I was not surprised that you beat me, i just wanted to know if it was on the bottle or not. I knew that it would be point less to run on drag radials b/c i remembered that your car went 11’s. If our car hit 11’s it would be on video also. So whatever bullshit someone told you is not ture.
here the vid for proof;

That very well may be. I guess the saying is true then, only believe 1/4 what you hear and 1/2 what you see… BUT, you did tell me it went 120 not 124. But its no big deal its not like we were racing for monet anyway.

some sneaky shit goin on :wink:

Mike is a very down to earth guy and will tell you straight up what his car has. One of the better people I have met through the whole car scene

Unlike Psi, who is a shit talking fuck, that has a fast ass accord! :rofl

I have never seen said Accord.