Evo > Choda



Fast AWD > *

Emery is so sweet…

He’s getting free tolls for the rest of his life.


So now I’m wondering, Blue EVO > the MRs Built by Hybrid? :gotme:


Does his plate say “Ricer” ?


Yes Sir

Im going to go ahead and say that it would hand those MR’s their asses…no questions asked…

Is this really a question?

i live about 3/4 of a mile from sheridan and millersport and i was outside working on my truck last night and i heard that! fucking crazy!!!

o boy o boy. cant wait to get my shit together

last night was fun and we had a great time…i think racing choda will be totally different from a dig. we will do it though, just want to wait till after the dsm suby shoot out. then i can break stuff!


http://media.putfile.com/Emery-VS-Choda-quick-race quick vid

I would have liked to see the race had Choda downshifted…and sprayed

Good luck to you guys in your shoot out :tup: :slight_smile:

I saw him purge…

my guess is dead even from a dig if nto evo by small lead.

Good times. It was nice to see so many cars out. It’s too bad Chuck, Kevin, Jeeves, etc. couldn’t race. I’m surprised nobody is talking about an AWD car ROLL racing an R6 from a roll LOL. Yes the evo lost, but not by much. From a stop would be interesting but I told Emery he better not blow the tranny before the big race Sunday.

i was there in spirit tho.

My question is GTO > or < Evo ?

Emerys car is meant for top end, I would say yes. Im not going to say what he running but the car is setup for a straight line where Sams is set up for a road course, spools sooner and carries a nice power band with full boost at 3800, carrying a slightly flat but rising torque curve from 4000 to 8500. That and emery runs slightly more boost and few other add ons:P

Sams is an honest 450 wheel on pump gas and 21lbs, I have not been in emerys but if it isnt 550 wheel at this point then somethings wrong