Evo > Choda

If I had to guess 26lbs and C16 :lol:

my lips are sealed :stuck_out_tongue:

good runs :tup: I would have liked to cruz out to mighty with you guys and play but i had plans to head out the other way. Maybe next time. :tup: Gude run!

where is the said shoot out on sunday? at a track or snky snky?

Very impressive numbers.:tup:
I worry about the “tipping point” where shit starts to break.
I was always too scared to make that kind of power.:biglaugh:

Was this a free race or a $$$ race?

Dyno charts from ya’ll. It would actually be an awesome comparison of how well these cars can be built for different applications.

Although, for road course (not autocross) you are going to be keeping the revs above 4000 rpm almost all of the time, especially in a 6 speed, so would think that a car built for top end would probably do pretty well in that scenario. Just my quick thoughts.

Thumbs up to a bunch of nice/fast evo’s in wny.

Mike @ Innovative did a great job with the Blue Evo. Anything that fast on a stock bottom end is severely impressive. I am very impressed!


My bottle was deff open, im kinda upset that the camera guy didnt get my sweet purge… :lol:

For the rematch, I still think the Evo would beat me from a roll, it deff scoots, but like i told the driver, lets go one more time, same speed i just wanna be in 2nd gear, stupid me left it in 3rd, we both hammerd down, he jumped ahead while i drove through the convertor, once i finally got moving then i stayed at his rear, i know 2nd gear @ 40 would be alot closer.

the dig race should be one hell of a run for sure, we should both get ~ 1.7 shot times on the street and he is also goin for high 10s, so it could go either way, i understand he has a huge race comming up and didnt wanna risk anything, he said he’ll be back out in 2 weeks, ill be ready. Just gotta find a place where i wont get a pile of tickets.

Again :tup: roch boys comming out to buff stepping it up.


like i said, i wasnt really in the mood to drive out to Taffy’s, plus i was helping badazz with his car. I should be around for round two of this :tup:

UGH 1:1 gear ratio for a roll race no wonder

Cmon Don. Emery is running a stock engine so I don’t see how having less than 550 whp would mean something is wrong. :confused: Having over 500 whp on a stock engine and racing it puts you on borrowed time. If 550 whp was safe on a stock engine you wouldn’t have sold built bottom ends to your customers that are well under that mark. I’m not going to discuss whether his car is “>” than the other Evos, but Emery has done a great job putting the car together on a budget which is drastically smaller and I think he deserves respect.

Back to the topic at hand I’d like to see Emery run choda from a stop. That should be a good run.

Sunday at Norwalk in Ohio. They have a class for street cars with full interior, no cage, street tires so we’ll see what the Evo can do.


Yes it was a fun night. I’m glad we came out… I’m sure we’ll come out again soon.

First off, I was complimenting Emerys car.

Second off, the White EVO is on a stock bottom end.

Third, I didnt sell the built bottom end to Sam, you did.

Shall we openly discuss why he has a bottom end.

None of my response was meant as a cheap shot. All I was saying is that for what the car has in it right now and the boost/fueling it is running is that if it isnt 550+ then something is wrong.

Emerys car is running fast and strong…I said that the first time and then explained the differences between the two setups.

If you would like to discuss this face to face all you need to do is walk 50 ft. Not make a dick post like that.

does this car even trap near 130?

:tup: can’t wait to see a dig myself

I got 5+ calls/IMs saying you’re talking smack about him in this thread, so I finished what I was doing, read the thread and it sounded to me like you were snubbing what he’s accomplished. Since he’s a long time friend and he put his heart and soul into the car that really bothered me. I’m glad it was just a misunderstanding. :tup:

We’ll see Sunday.

Well :tup:

I was making fun of ricers and out with crazy drifters last night, but it looks like I missed a nice run.

:tup: to Choda for being a stand-up guy about this.

Meth injected from what i hear…but what do i know :gotme:

I Agree 100% i even told him that when we were getting off the thruway last night.

i was looking to get a run in with you also last night. Ohh well maybe Next time.

Great night! the people from rochester are awesome people too. Just like to have fun…thats what its all about :tup:

2 weeks id love to watch the chod Vs evo Dig and a firehawk Vs GTO vid :wink: