Makes sense, the dude wanted MOOOOO POWA…

i’m pretty sure the STi has medal ones :shrug:

They have award winning pedals? :poke::lolham:

that’s insane

you have never seen an STI pedal setup?


Brake/ GAS


in fact this is happening so often that I’ve never heard of it despite reading evoM every day.

I can picture a well designed plastic pedal being stronger than stamped metal.

wow… thats, impresive.

…I’m gonna go ahead and say that this is not well designed. Otherwise, yes I agree it could be as strong

they prob did it so they can find out whos romping on their cars like idiots…

“i swear, i was just sitting there, the light turned green and i just easily pressed the gas pedal and SNAP, i promise you i wasnt racing around in it”

the way plastic fatigue occurs this could happen…

but, you would have had to race it a couple of times. or have heavy feet etc…

but you could be at a light one day and go to press it down and tweak it the wrong way and snap

Heres my question… what if the owner is a 250# guy who put in a heavy clutch (higher pedal effort)?

it looks as if both failures are gas pedal related, but

reading > me.

and, srsly, W O W.

How much load could there possibly be on the gas pedal? I understand putting it to the wood… but did the engineers think that people would srsly never do that, and not consider it at all?

yes, i understand how a fulcrum works… but this sort of design blunder just amazes me.

So you missed the 16 pager here?:eyebrow:

given the price of 93 these days, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing

lol :clap:

Its Aaron, he is such a fan of the X that he probably claimed it to be a Sti fanboi trying to start shit.

Don’t get me wrong. I am a fellow Evo owner and I marvel at the rampant stupidity on EvoM sometimes. But this was a pretty big thread in the EvoX forums. :slight_smile:


yup, I missed one thread, I also don’t pay much attention to the X forum.