EVO VIII vs BMW 3-series

I was on ROAD XXX towards the mall just about 20 minutes ago. On the red light, I see a BMW 3-series next to me. 4-door 3-series the E36 model. I didnt know he was gonna go at it but he did give me a dirty look. I pulled about 3 car lengths at him without launching and only shifting at 5000rpm. I was at about 80 mph and he still gunned at it at about 90+ on icy roads passing me at the shoulder risking other people’s lives. I hope you are on the forum so if you are the one who got beaten BAD by a yellow evo at about 11:00PM tonight, read below:

  1. Don’t give me a dirty look.
  2. I beat you so dont do a ricer fly-by
  3. Rev at me next time before you wanna race so I can do a nice little launch so blow pass you harder
  4. Don’t risk other people’s lives. You cant see anyone coming from the X90 to the blvd. It’s kind of dangerous.
  5. Did I mention don’t give me a dirty look???

first off you are yelling about him endangering other people on the blvd yet you were doing 80mph :roll:

second regular 3 series arent all that fast, you should have smoked him.

:word: seriously, like you could suddenly stop or swerve on icy roads at 80mph :lol: No offence, just find that funny

i love the people that get beat, and you slow down , but then to go bye and like honk or flip the bird or give a thumbs down, its hilarious

yea i hear ya man, people are gaylords

pwned :tup:



:bsflag:awd dont stop ya car any faster

Tru dat yo

nice kill, retard.

today was a good day for racing, but yesterday/last night you’d have to be retarded.

Do they have auto racing in the Special Olympics? :smiley:

yea motorized wheelchairs hahaha

sorry, my bad. I was having a bad day… and i freaked. I didn’t stop until light posts looked like guard rails.

edited the thread:
read the guidelines no street names

AWD sucks in snow…it can go but cant stop. I kinda like RWD in snow. A LOT more fun.

Good kill! :tup:



e36 m50s only have 190hp. slizzow

I’m so going to give you a dirty look every time I ever see you.