Eww, last time I drink milk.

nasty… but I drink milk like it’s my job

I work at wegmans,its highly possible some dumbass customer ditched it on the shelf and then some fuckface employee put it back in the cooler.

Tell them you spit it on your keyboard and it fried your computer.:wink:

I tried the most amazing milk the other day,upstate farms intense vanilla…omg.



Shit happens. If spoiled milk is your biggest worry, you’ve got it good. It cost what… 2 bucks? I wouldn’t even waste the time going back to complain… just buy some more next time you go, and call it a day.

Already did go back, and spent more in gas than what I got back because I’m sweet like that. :tup:

<dirtye30 i drank 2.5 month expired milk at a friends house on accident once. it was fucking grosss. i puked all over the bathroom.

Ewwwwww :lol:

you my friend, came across a bovine phenomenon known as “Teat Tips”. These chunks you encountered came from aggressive milking in conjunction with a sick cow, rips the tips of their utters off and gets into the milk. Gross 4 U.

…or it is possible you may have shopped in the organic section at Wegmanns and picked up teat-o-pillar milk


they are bread for their supurb milk producing abilities, but known for the ocassional unfilterable chunk.

<— drinks ~3-4 gallons of skim milk per week. :stuck_out_tongue:

this morning’s shake:

10 oz skim milk
1/2 cup oats
2 scoops vanilla whey isolate
2 tablespoons chunky peanut butter
1 sliced/frozen banana

blend in ‘smoothie’ style blender attachment.

alllllllllllllll right. gigity :cool: :tup:

edit: ^^^ lol @ josh

poor fuzzy :frowning: I thought you were lactose intolerent anyways? :lol:

ummm not really…

what you had was probably a cement mixer…

Milk/Cream based things dont curdle when they come in contact with whiskey lol

They do however do it when they come in contact with acids, typically from lime juice…

I am, but that is besides the point. I used to love milk, that and I needed it for cooking. And made the mistake of drinking some chunky not so goodness.:frowning:

i love milk…the chunks are good for you

go to a bar, order a irish car bomb, drop the shot in the guiness, wait about 30 seconds.

i win.


Tasty stuff, but you have to drink it FAST. Silly Howie forcing drinks on me.

mmmm hes right, ive been there.


drinking silk is also pretty baller since the price is so high, but it is damn delicious

Silk tastes like shit. And I know my shit.