Eww, last time I drink milk.

I decided I hadn’t had a nice glass of chocolate milk in awhile. Or anything milk product related. So I decided to go to wegmans to pick up a nifty bottle of milk.

So I get home a few hours ago, and start to drink a nice cool glass of chocolate milk. Mix it up, looks just fine and dandy nothing noted. I start to drink it it tasted 100% normal/looked normal. Then it happened “I’m like ugghhhh what was that” as I choked down a few pieces of chunky shit. So I look in my cup, and I’m think like “Ohh… snap I think I’m gonna puke”. I start dry heaving out of disgust trying to hold back from ruining my old windows-key free keyboard by spitting it back up. Though I was successful I feel quite queasy now. :-/

However I now have two problems.

  1. I don’t think I could ever drink milk again. And I still feel like puking right now. :frowning:
  2. If I return it, I’m probably just going to end up with more milk.
  3. If I write a letter I’m just going to get a certificate to wegmans. And I hate shopping there anyways.
  4. Although it smells fine, it’s quite obvious by looking at it it’s bad. Doesn’t expire until the 29th.

So what do I do?

800 joes dad

Drink whisky, not milk. Then, even if you do get chunks it’s no worse than drinking whisky normally.

grosss. story time: i got quiche from wegmans once. broccolli quiche to be exact, and we get back to the ritz and opened it and there was mold on the top.
so we took it back. got a calzone. mold free.

i just made a tasty protein drink with some skim. but yeah, thats happened to me a few times, its fucking gross. it actually happened to me 2 times so close together, that i had to use my teeth as a strainer for a while when i drank it.

why didnt you just stop drinking it??

Guess I’ll go return it in a hour or two. It’s not like I’ll drink it ever again. Maybe I could get a certificate or something so I can get some decent food.

i heart milk, minus the hormones that are in it, but im not really a growing boy anymore. plus, 8g’s of protein/cup is hard to beat, especially when youre mixing it in with a protein drink.


What flavor protein is the kicker
I was drinking vanilla for daily for almost two months and it started to make me gag at the taste of it…

I have this orange cream stuff. Not a HUGE amount of protein, but it tastes friggen awesome. Its called Attain and its made by a company called melaleuca.

well that sounds delicious.

That reminds me of when I started mixing mine with orange juice and it tasted like those orange creamsicles…mmmm

:tdown: i LOVE milk. Thank god that has never happened to me…though I have started slugging down milk to find out it is somewhat sour…never with storebaught chocolate milk though. Hershey’s Cookies 'n creame 4tw.

haha thats what i used to do too. then i got a little ridiculous with adding shit in there and it started to get pretty gross.

tastes like candy.

:tup:slugging down bitches

a kid i work does that. somewhere in our convo he referred to his drink as being a melted creamsicle

once i ordered an irish car bomb when i was really drunk… now i dont know if you know this or not, but when the baileys, guiness and jameson meet, the baileys begins to curdle. i held the drink in my hand for far to long, talking to someone and by the time i drank it, it was one big curdle.

i drank it anyway.

:tdown: slugging down bitches

:tup: slugging down bitches cream

imagine getting chunks in that, fuzzy!


I had bad milk once this summer. It was brand new, but the morons at Topps must have left it out in the sun or something. One of the idiots in my house accidently put the bad milk back in the fridge. The next day, thinking it was the new stuff, I drank it again, and it was even worse.:bloated: I swore off milk after that day.

The best part was, the second day my sister said “I thought that milk tasted funny on my cereal this morning. I ate it anyway though”:uhh: