let me reiterate on how great

Swiss cheese by the slice, 2 glasses of whole milk (vitamin D) and a box of cheeseits are tasting right now

Im popped and that sounds so disgusting

I’ve got to shit just thinking about that. :lactard:

And just how fucking high were you when you posted that? :rofl:

Who fucking drinks whole milk? What are you an amish fucking lunatic? Is that shit even pasteurized?

Why don’t you just have some creamer instead? Or melt a stick of butter and drink that?


omg roffle my waffle

Swiss chesse can suck my ass

Whole milk will make me piss out of my ass

Cheese its are probably the worst cheesey snack ever, pirates booty rocks your cock

veggie booty FTW

booty ftw :angryhump:

do you even remember making this thread?

god you are an attention whore, jesus

i saw tyler at the square last night… i can only imagine where his night led him…

to cum on the stomach ftw?

that was such a great thread.

Fucking hilarious.

LoL, my stomach hurt so fucking bad when I woke up…pooor toilet.

Newman, I saw you at the Square as well, I could only imagine where you ended up as well.

I actually went back to the southtowns


my night ended in a similarly lame fashion.
