EX GF thread gone

prolly not , seein as i can only let so many out . whatever was on my list is alllll i can do . butt its a start

There always be a little drahma but hopefully the stupid shit stops

So should I post up more naked pics of my ex’s in this thread or somewheres else?

this thread works!



Cant even fathom it huh? You called my fuckin girlfriend you fuckin dick love how are you gonna act like you didnt?


I just told you who it was. Sittin here telling me im a fuckin ethug gettin all worried cuz i said IF i wanted to beat his ass i would. But i dont, throwing around lil sweaty college kids doesnt excite me, besides my little brother would put up a better fight than this pencil knecked pussy. My goal here is to show that hes the fuckin asshole not me, and to get a little backing instead of everyone telling me im a fuckin dickhead.

Youre making yourself look like an asshole with threats to someone 90% of this forum is friends with. Chill out.

hmmmm looks to be you are the common denominator there, must be a reason for that!

You are giving yourself a bad rep by being new to the site and coming on here running your mouth to everyone that busts your balls because you can’t take a joke and then you want to start shit with a well known and liked member of the forum and still wonder why everyone says you need to be banned!

Soooo with that being said, sit down stop running your mouth and enjoy your stay, shift has enough drama we don’t need to hear about you and your girlfriends issues on here keep it off the forum.

You can’t just climb in the ring with Ali because you think you can box.

Could get a good look at a t bone if you stick your head up a butchers ass but, wouldnt you rather take his word for it?

What are you feeling guys… 40 weight? 50 weight?

He contributed to a thread everybody seemed to have loved just to have him reported to the woman about the pictures being posted here by a member.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t SRS section created so that members are trusted with the content of the section staying private and not getting out?

This seems to be the case here from my understanding.

Private or not, posting such pictures should be done at your own risk fully knowing the possible consequences which is why many others did not post pictures up including myself, though SRS is a private section are you going to sit there and tell me you trust everyone who has access to it? You would be lying if you said yes.

Then after it being reported to his girlfriend (which by the way the thread title clearly states EX g/f not current g/f) he proceeded to bring his issues onto the site which should have been kept between him, his g/f and whoever told his g/f.

True PM’s would have sufficed, but the same can be said for the vast majority of other entertaining threads we’ve had.

Point is if SRS stops having trust it seizes to exist because it’s the only thing that it has going for it. If people don’t feel that the information they post will stay secret they won’t post it, hence no section.

EX GF thread, while yes should have been dedicated to EX GF’s was still a little thing that was shared between the members for the members entertainment. Forget that the “new” guy was reported, what if all of the members were reported? What if some were underage and it was reported to the police instead? Goodbye website. Z06 while doesn’t quite know how to express himself in any other manner than what is literally on his mind was trying to find out why somebody in the “brotherhood” of the forum had to go out and cause problems and why does every other member defend him for the actions that would be scrutinized if they were done against a more liked member.

Well whoever reported the pics to the girl should be banned. It doesn’t matter who they know on here. We just need better proof that they did it.

Sooo basically I’m the asshole in this case? I do not see how that is the case. You can absolute beat me up. I am by nooo means a fighter, surely your brother can beat me up. I could care less about you having the ability to beat me up. So that’s fine pride yourself. But NOT once have I ever antagonized this situation.

And for the record, since I don’t really care at allll, I got a call from this girl aroiund 3 when you first responded. . And then shit blew up on shift. That’s when I got a text 3 to 4 hours later saying I need to stop adding fuel to the fire (from the girl). And that this is my fault that this was happening. Completely clueless at the time (drunk at my neighbors grad party), I go on shift after some members txt/call me about it, still not knowing what’s going on, I get on this shit and see my name being thrown around by zo6.

So please tell me how I am the asshole

For the record: never saw the pictures.

See I totally am for banning the person who did report the pics posted but also anything posted on the internet on a private site or public should be done at your own risk knowing the consequences like I said earlier, you act like hacking is a thing of the past. And it would just be stupidity to have someone post pics of underage nude photos of there ex, but the biggest problem is how do you know who you can trust and who you cant trust? Because honestly its not possible. So that leads to my next question, how do you know who you can let into SRS and who to block? It’s going to be a very difficult task, and why doesn’t the SRS stick to just that…street racing. Especially if there are going to be rats on the site I certainly will not post anything that could land me in some trouble.

JK: Did you tell the girl that there were pics of her on here?