Excavator pulls stuck man from mud
Excavator pulls stuck man from mud, don’t think this is the best idea.
Excavator pulls stuck man from mud
Excavator pulls stuck man from mud, don’t think this is the best idea.
I’d take that over being stuck there and starve to death… lol
Lot of Ukraine heavy threads today.
just an idea.
holding on as it pulls you up looks like a good way to dislocate your arms, legs, shoulder or worse.
how about hold on, but to take the weight off your legs and wiggle your legs out of the mud as you do a pullup on the bucket stationary above you?
when they dug away on the side, it seems like if he just leaned over and wiggled his legs he would have fell over/out of the mud he was standing in.
Stupidity and Simplicity seem to go hand and hand sometimes… one gets you in trouble other gets you out!
Go bury yourself up to you thighs in wet mud/clay of that consistency and let me know how well all that works out for you…
Word, Guy was super stuck and wasn’t shit he was gonna do about it.
OK BRB going to go try it.
…not updated since.