Easy way out of the mud

Check out this vid. You cant understand a damn thing they are saying, but you get the idea of whats goin on. Its a pretty simple, but potentialy time saving way to get yourself unstuck from a mud hole .

Wow, that is a pretty nifty solution.

lol… well if you have time to get all that stuff to get out, ya got time to call someone to come pull you out. lols. but interesting.

thats cool. the things u can figure out when need them, i would have never thought of that one

thought the logs/branches would break rather than lift the tractor. funny in slow -mo

this is why 4wd tractors are becoming more and more popular.

seriously, those nice luggy tires are awesome, but once they get mud caked, your fucked

best thing to have in that situation is a front loader. You can pull/push yourself out quite easily