Excel help

wondering if there is an easier way of counting the total number of something by month. I.E. like total checking accounts opened by each associate per month.

I was using the Dcount function but im trying to streamline this database and there is way to much code to alter or add when someone new comes in or when the years change over.

I was thinking a Pivot table maybe but how can i group it by month in that case?

any other ideas?


nm figured it out. Pivot table FTW.


lol ok new issue now with pivot tables… I’m Trying to leave it open for when new data comes in. which is daily. to auto add into the table so… for the data range im putting in for example a1:f65332. When i do this it wont allow me to group the data by month.

any suggestions?

sumproduct would be for adding then multply fields not totaling the amount of a product by month.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

advanced filter if you want to keep all the detail, pivot table if you only want a summary

countif or sumif?

Without seeing the data it is hard to understand what you are trying to do.


got it working… Pivot tables apparently dont like blank feilds. I just threw in a bunch of dates and 0’s to make it work.

Now to work out the security details heh. I’m sure that will make more questions pop up.

Excel in general doesn’t like blank fields.

sigh… ok anyone ever get this before when updating imported info from an access db?

I have a Work information file created with user permissions set. I’ll plug in my login details and then it asks me for DB password. There isnt one set and it wont allow me in at all.