IT/Excel/huge nerd

i have a display (flatscreen) in our telemarketing area that displays month to date stats from our sql database (using excell) also It has a ranking for a different department (seperate spreadsheet)

is there any program that will either

A. tab between them at say a 5 minute interval


B. display them as a screensaver fading between the two

and before you ask they can’t be dumped onto the same page the resolution isnt great and theres too much info to have them on the same page


tab between each sheet?

is the sheet being activly updated or is it static?

activly updated… every minute

is there anything that will auto-tab? like a script?

im sure there is… if it was static it would be easier… our programmer was went to another company, too bad though, cus he would be able to do it…

hrmmm let me ponder i mightbe able to figure it out.

so wait. this excel doc is actvly updated by the sql data base…

all you need it to do is tab to each sheet within one workbook?

eh, right now they are seperate files, but they could be combined into one doc

nevermind my excel buddy is sending me something in VBcode to change it

basterd… :wink:

there has to be a way to automate alt+tab to a system… cept im not a programmer :slight_smile:

if anyone cares, set a macro in vb (altf11)

                Private NextSwitch As Date
                '***** HERE IS WHERE YOU SET THE VARIABLES (not case sensitive)
                Const File1 As String = "Filename 1.xls"
                Const File2 As String = "Filename 2.xls"
                Const TimeInterval As String = "00:02:00"


                Sub StartSwitching()
                 NextSwitch = Now + TimeValue(TimeInterval) 'current time + 2 minutes, change as needed
                 Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=NextSwitch, Procedure:="ShowNext"
                End Sub
                Sub EndSwitching()
                 Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=NextSwitch, Procedure:="ShowNext", Schedule:=False
                End Sub
                Private Sub ShowNext()
                 If LCase(ActiveWorkbook.Name) = LCase(File1) Then
                 End If
                 NextSwitch = Now + TimeValue(TimeInterval)
                 Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=NextSwitch, Procedure:="ShowNext"
                End Sub