Excelsior Orthopedics

fuck that place.

broke my arm the saturday before last (5-19-07)… went to the ER and they took X-Rays then sent me over to Excelsior Orthopedics off of Sheridan. I was a little late, as I couldn’t drive myself (standard trans) and they told me that they were closing and I had to come back the following day.

Monday: Go in for my appointment, the doctors assistant told me that the doctor wasn’t able to make it and took some more X-Rays and was concerned about a piece of bone floating in my arm. She prescribed me some vicodin and sent me to a place in Amherst for a CT-Scan. Before I left, they said to call back before 4:00 and the doctor would go over the results.

NOTE: Girl that did my X-Rays said that it was BS that they told me that they were closing because she was there much later than that.

I call back later that day to speak with doctor and nobody knew what the hell was going on with it. They told me that they also wanted an MRI to check for ligament damage and that they would call me when they scheduled me an appointment. I asked to speak with the doctor about the CT-Scan but they wouldn’t put me on with him.

Later that evening I go to my Primary and get a referal so insurance would cover it.

Tuesday: I call the place and yet again ask to speak with the doctor. I get the run around and they tell me that they want to schedule an appointment to get an MRI done and that they would call me when they do that.

Wednesday: again, I call back and get the same BS. A few hours later I FINALLY get a call and they tell me that they want to schedule an MRI. They also tell me that I’m now seeing another doctor… not the one I was originally supposed to go see and that the appointment is for the first of june (6-1-07)… two weeks after the break.

The MRI appointment is for Tuesday (5-29-07)

Tuesday: Get out of work early and go out to OP to get my MRI. I managed to get all my paperwork filled out with my left hand and made small talk with the staff. She tells me that Excelsior never sent a script for the MRI and that I needed one for the procedure. She calls and they said that they’d fax one right over. After 20 mins. of waiting the lady at the MRI place still hadn’t recieved it and called back. They said the same thing and again… after 15 mins of waiting she told me that she still hadn’t recieved it and that I’d have to come back on Thursday as other patients were waiting to get theirs done, which is understandable.

She told me that she’d call me and let me know if she recieved it. I thanked her and left, pissed off.

Today: Get a call while in a meeting. It’s from the MRI place and apparently she still hadn’t recieved the script. I called Excelsior and left a pretty nasty, yet professional message. As I hang the phone up, I get a call back from the MRI place… she explained to me that she had to get the office manager on the phone to get it sent over and she reemed her out pretty good. She then said that she’d try to get me in today if she had any openings.

and here I sit. two weeks after braking my arm, no cast and hopped up on paid meds. I can already feel that my arm is healing up on it’s own as everyday it’s getting a little less painful/swelling is going down (hopefully not healing crooked). I tried to get into another Ortho thru my primary, but he’s booked up until the 15th of next month (at that point, why even bother?)

This is rediculous. Anyone know of a good orthopedic? Oh and stay away from Excelsior like the plague

I truly hope they don’t have to rebreak your arm. Good luck.

Fucking wow! thats pretty shitty.

Thats sucks. You should have just fixed it yourslef though. I mean you are a Doctor right? :gotme:

The only one I’ve ever dealt and he and his PA was great.

Dr Joseph Buran; he’s with Amherst Orthopedics
(716) 639-8358 | 1000 Youngs Rd Buffalo, NY

I think they are under a new name now. But he did an AWESOME job on my knee, and is going to be doing my other knee later this year. He also did a full reconstruction on a ex-gf of mine’s shoulder.

yeah it does suck :tdown: :frowning:

I’m really hoping that I wont need surgery/need my arm re-broken. I’m skurred of what they’ll say. Just wish one of the doctors would speak with me to give me their opinion on it so I have some kind of idea whats going on.

thanks for the number too formula, I’ll give them a ring

Wow. Just fucking wow. Amazing how people in healthcare can be so careless. Their office workers obviously don’t give a shit. I wouldn’t go back.

Doesn’t really do you any good, but Dr. Paul Peartree at Greater Rochester Orthopedics took good care of me when I kept fucking up my knee in high school. After the 3rd operation and 4th chunk of cartilege they pulled out of my knee, I decided to give up soccer for safer hobbies so I started riding motorcycles. I haven’t had an operation since. :gotme:

But yeah, go elsewhere if they’re going to dick you around like that.

That is really shitty. I have actually been there when I had to get bone scans and they were really nice and did everything within 2 days because I was leaving for school so not everyone there was horrible. But good luck with your arm.

I broke my shoulder a few years ago and went here Northtown Orthopedics. They took care of everything and did a bang up job. http://northtownsorthopedics.com/home.html

put in a complant to your ins. company about the doc office

damm what happen to going to the ER, waiting 4 hours in pain listening to kids scream, getting a few X-rays and walking out with a cast. I guess those days are over.

Now they send you here, then stop over their, then flip a bitch to see Dr whats his nutts.

I went there for my broken thumb in october, and ya theyre asshats. Just make sure you get receipts for any copays!!! I made mine and still got a bill from the assholes! good luck.


damm what happen to going to the ER, waiting 4 hours in pain listening to kids scream, getting a few X-rays and walking out with a cast. I guess those days are over.

Now they send you here, then stop over their, then flip a bitch to see Dr whats his nutts.


Bingo, was just posting this exact response.

I’m not happy with Excelsior either-they misdiagnosed my broken fibula as an ankle sprain.


I have nothing but good things to say about Dr Buran; he did a wonderful job on my knee where I rarely have discomfort in it, whereas I used to be in constant pain.

He was the 3rd “specialist” that I saw and the only one who took a MRI and really looked into things to see what was wrong instead of just saying here, wear a brace or just strength train it; it’ll help.

Turns out I have a genetic defect in my knees and too much cartridge grew on the “shelf” that’s in there causing the issues I’m having. My case was the worst he’s ever seen, so much so that the pictures from my surgery are in his and his PA’s teaching material. My left knee is now 1000X better, and my Right I’m going to be seeing him later this summer to have repaired.

just an update

well, when I couldn’t get in to any other place earlier I just went back to Excelsior. Doctor told me that he didn’t think I’d need surgery and didn’t seem to injure any ligaments. He refilled my script, told me not to wear my sling (to help keep proper movement in my arm while it heals) and keep trying to move it around.

I gotta go back in 5 weeks for Xrays and with any luck, wont need surgery.

Good to hear. :tup: Good luck!

Good Luck with that.

Just found this and took care of my asshat surgeon.
I intend to spread the word as far and loud as I can.
The entire campus is horrible. SUB standard care.

Setting that aside, I need a tennis elbow specialist. Does anybody have any recommendations besides the “hand center”? I’ve tried 2 times there and they refuse me as a patient. Probably golf buddies with the phags at Excelsior. I even did my 2nd string of therapy at the hand center, you think they would have some compassion. SIGH.

Also looking for Rochester legal representation because Buffalo lawyers all seem to have conflict of interest as they use Excelsior for IME’s. :frowning:

I used to feel sorry for you but im beginning to think you are the problem and not all these places that are doing you wrong