Exchange Migration w00t

17 hours straight…3 people…140 accounts…100 machines…

Migrating from pop3 -> Exchange

A lot of the machines were outlook express and windows 98…


You have my condolences. Fuck exchange.

It was the worst we had to convert the outlook express mail to a pst…since 40 of the computers are not on the domain…and now they are going to use webmail…

Wow, that def had to of sucked.

is an exchange server similar to IMAP?

i hate pop3, i like being able to check my email over the web anywhere i go

You can check a pop3 anywhere as well - use sites like



You can check a pop3 anywhere as well - use sites like


when i check my pop3 using thunderbird tho doesnt it download all the messages and delete from the server?

maybe i just have it setup wrong

Yeah, that’s a setup option.

You must love your job. Either that or you’re a masochist.

I love the follow up this morning…

Everyones biggest problem is they have no concept of how to change the message viewing pane in outlook.

^ typical idiots. you know how many people are sitting there making 40, 50, 75, even 100k plus… and can’t use common sense to figure it out?

the biz world is UNREAL!

we are doin a migration here at my work too for outlook, its taking all week cuz we have like 1000 employees annd who knows how many accounts

and yea sometimes i have to show my boss how to make a rule in outlook, like durr

Ouch. So how deaf were you the following morning from all the whining by the users???

I’m dreading this coming Monday. I just hope that the DST patches all work on the MVS systems that my group administers :stuck_out_tongue: