Exchange/Outlook Guys, Help!

Everytime anyone here sends a meeting invitation to the President of one our companies, they right away receive a bounced message from her former secretary. Her former secretary’s AD account was deleted months ago, and her Exchange mailbox was deleted with it.

We’ve checked all the normal stuff :

"Click on the user’s inbox. Now, go to Tools>Options>Delegates, and make sure no unauthorized users or SIDs are listed. If they are, remove them.

Right click on the user’s inbox. Click on “Sharing”. Under the “Permissions” tab, make sure no unauthorized users or SIDs are listed. If they are, remove them.

Click on the user’s inbox. Now, go to Tools>Rules and Alerts. Make sure that no rules or alerts exist which involve unauthorized user’s or SIDs. If there are, remove them.

Click on the user’s calendar. Now, Now, go to Tools>Options>Delegates, and make sure no unauthorized users or SIDs are listed. If they are, remove them.

Right click on the user’s calendar. Click on “Sharing”. Under the “Permissions” tab, make sure no unauthorized users or SIDs are listed. If they are, remove them.

Also ran: outlook.exe /cleanrules"

No rules, alerts, sharing, or delegation settings appear which would cause this (unless I’m not looking in the right area).

I’m NOT an Exchange guy, but our Exchange admin says that everything is fine on the Exchange side.

Basically, as soon as ANYONE sends this person a meeting room request, they INSTANTLY get a bounced message from her secretary.

We are running Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003…

Help is greatly appreciated…

just meetings and not emails?

and your exchange admin is wrong, something is not fine, people are getting bouncebacks from a terminated employee lol…:doh:


TIP: Using your Exchange Server administration tool, set the mailbox to not accept messages from anyone. (A distribution list or security group is good for this.) That way, if users forget and add the resource as a required or optional attendee, the request will bounce back to them from the resource mailbox.

I think this will work in 2k3. Give me a couple more minutes to research.


edit: I was thinking that maybe the boss has the “not accept messages from anyone” tag set. I’m not sure that this is an option on a user mailbox or just on resource mailboxes though.

Word, what I meant is he thinks its an Outlook client side issue, not an Exchange side issue…LOL

Just meeting requests spawn a bounced message… regular emails are not bounced.

Appreciate your help…

is there an alternate recipient option separate from delegation? That might be something to look for too. Sorry, we don’t use exchange anymore and I’m trying to go by memory.

find the message in the message tracker… see what its doing

the only reason i blame the ex admin is because it’s hard for me to believe that the bounce back is being created at the presidents outlook client! haha… ask him where the bounce back is being originated and you’ll probably find the problem.

running /cleanrules should have cleared all server and client side rules even if you get a ghost delegate, i.e. a delegate whose AD account is deleted before they are removed as a delegate.

edit: have the sys admin try this:

1st v-dub you are the motherfuckin man. That fixed it. THANK YOU.

I’ll send my paypal adress, lol.

I’m 733t xchng h@xorszA!!!111

Ok, I’m done. Unless someone wants to C# me some code for a conference registration page… didn’t think so. : (

Good job Nick Burns!

“It’s the email that’s stupid not you, right? MOVE!” :slight_smile:

^ :rofl: @ the video!