Exige Stealth anyone

Pricey little bugger but love the paint job


Actually got to ride in an Elise which was pretty cool. Dont know if I could drive one 24/7 though.
Cool cars


really uncomfortable car to ride in

I have driven mine for 6+ hours and never felt uncomfortable…

But I’m:

A) 5-8 160lbs
B) not a huge pussy


this is true. it would wear on me for a daily though in traffic, as soon as the road opens up, the fun factor makes all the comfort issues go away i bet.

^^^^^true that

Thanks BigRon, didnt see that posted before.
More pics to save and put up in the garage

The thing that sucks is everyone is going to want to touch the paint.


Does Lotus finally make more iterations of these than Ford makes of mustangs?

Newman, you are officially fatter than me, bet you didn’t think that would happen.

I like it, but we’re supposedly not getting it here…

Looks like porsche