F-15 lands with one........


ejecting puts close to 5 G’s on you.


actually a lot more than that

Pilot safety
The purpose of an ejection seat is pilot survival, not pilot comfort. Many pilots have suffered career-ending injuries while using ejection seats, including crushed vertebrae. The pilot typically experiences an acceleration of about 12 to 14 g (117 to 137 m/s²). Western seats usually impose lighter loads on the pilots; 1960s-70s era ex-Soviet technology often goes up to 20-22 g (with SM-1 and KM-1 gunbarrel type ejection seats). Career-ending injuries are quite common, partly because eastern military pilots usually continue to fly into their late 40s or early 50s and end (retire) their flying career afterward, while most western jet pilots retire from the military in their late 30s.