My bike in a box…
oh boy
Signal Generator
front fender was busted, i started fixing it before i took pics of the “Before”
I traced the missing piece out of paper, transfered it onto a piece of abs plastic, cut it out, and started molding it to the fender
Fairings were pretty beat up, and spray balmed a few times, i started by grinding all the old paint and puddy off, then repaired the cracks, and moved on to begin the skim coats
Part if the fairing is missing here, so i will be looking for another busted fairing to mold it back together, or taking a mold from another good fairing and then molding the fiberglass into the missing parts
I masked off the rear seat, i really dont like it anyways, so im making a delete, or a “Seat Cowl” for it, I plan to make it hollow, and accesable to be used as additional storage, I would never intend to ride a passenger anyways, but if in the event i wanted to I could always unbolt the compartment, and bolt in the seat again.
Started making the new compartment with the help of a little expandable foam, this will give me the shape and size I want it to be.
Here I cut down the foam to get it close to what I want, next Ill build up the missing areas, then wrap it in fiberglass
Tires came in, so back on the fork “Lift” it goes…
Very good…seems like you are moving along quite fast.
lookin good chaz
I want to see how the tail section turns out. That’s a good idea.
Looks awesome Chaz
cool project. it is amazing it only has 9900 miles on it & it was in that condition. what year is it?
its a 1992, i took the calipers apart today, and it looked like they were using gorrila glue as brake fluid… lol
it was rusty runny, with boogers clogging the ports, lol
Chaz…was that the rectifier/regulator that was all chewed up in the pic up there?
The CDI module, i replaced it already. Its basic function is to send spark signals to the coils
Bolt before
Bolt Before
bolt before
bolt before and after
bolt before and after
bolt before and after
bolt before and after
calipers, i thought it would look nice to have the red calipers against the purple wheels… lol
case bolts, and a cover
case bolts and a cover
orange peel… ,my favorite
sanded, cleared and reinstalled
i like the way the shine is beside the black, i cant wait till this season is over, im goona tear all down and re do all of it this time
had to cut the tail off…
holy cow, and i thought i had it bad with my bike lol. it looks like it is coming along nicely. good job!
Looking Good!
so when do you get to ride this som-bish
parts still on order so not yet…
and btw
Ready to ride!!!
