F Buddy Q

just say for instance someone had a fuck buddy… or three… and wanted to get a 4 some going… or at least let the girls know the deal… what would be the proper steps to go with… 4 some first cause hypothetically that would be awesome

be a pimp like me and just fuck all your girlfriends friends :lol:
plenty to go around…

Bwahahahahah this will be a hard one to pull off


Should do the trick.

take them all shopping, they will get high off materialism (as all bitches do) then get them all in a changing room, shove money in each girsl snatch, they will all dig for it, and will be turned on by money (as they all are) then tell them you think a woman’s place is in the kitchen, they will act pissed but all women want a chovenistic (sP) man, than start plowing away, talking about how you wanna buy them all nice things, and get their nails done

or, just go hire 4 whores, either way your gonna pay for ir