F#ck Dumbestics, Turbo honda 4L

Well, if you want to read that far into it sure, but I wouldn’t but the ZO6 or NSX personally. I love the styling and performance of the ZO6, but I’d still rather build up either a F-Body or sometthing along those lines. I’d build more of a Drag car, well… because its more practical. Dragstrips cost less, are more common, and are just as fun to me. And if you want to get into the “dragracing is easy” argument go ahead.

And explain why the Corvette’s quality is soo shitty? I’d like some examples…

I bet you went into the car hating it, and didnt even give yourself a chance. Everyone i’ve seen drive a C6 has loved it, besides some people who thought the ride was too rough.

Shit still doesn’t line up properly in the interior…the fucking ash tray cover doesn’t work properly, the door panels shake like crazy, all the plastics look and feel cheap…the wheel looks great, feels like crap…

That’s a brief description of the fit and finish

If you understand what the car was built to do, you can’t not be amazed.

I wasnt going to jump in on this, since I brought it up in another NSX thread… but… the whole point of the NSX from my point of view is an exotic looking car that handles like it’s on rails. Acceleration is good, but it’s not the end all be all when you have corner speed. Why ANYONE would spend the money on an NSX in the past 6 years is beyond me. The S2000 handles just as well, is marginally slower in a straight line and is +/- 1 second on most tracks compared to an NSX. So yes, the NSX is overpriced in my book. I’d own one if they were sub 20k, but most go for 35-50k right now. I only like the styling of the older gen I ones, and the interiors on all of them pretty much blow IMO. Sure it held up well to the 328, 348, and 355, big deal. All of those were a joke, even the 355 which is one of my favorite cars of all time. It was based on the 348 which by all accounts, is a shitbox. It just happens to carry that little prancing horse.

Oh, and I’ve spent a full day in a C6. While not the best build quality, it is pretty damn good. It is definitely a car that can be daily driven and flogged at the track with no problems.

I dunno…seems to “hold up” pretty well



1 second is a bit of distance (the video description is wrong that is not an NSX-R):


NSX looks dated?


Shitty interior? Compared to?



And it’s over priced compared to what pre-2006 car NEW? C5 Z06? Ok MAYBE…that’s it…996 911 C2S @ ~ $89K…hrmm nope not overpriced there…how about a 360 at $180K…yeah I’m gonna go with not over priced there either.

haha way to pick the ugly colors on the interiors :lol:

although I agree that the NSX doesn’t seem dated at all. still one of the best looking cars around. And rare enough that they can get away with not changing the body that much cause you dont see them.

damn I want one :frowning:

in fairness I picked yellow for the NSX

haha yeah…but at least it has a black dash haha.


the c6 with navigation is nice IMO

Joe, I never said the exterior looks dated. I like the way the OLD NSX’s looked. I think the non popup headlight versions and updated bumpers look like ASS. Taking clips from Best Motoring is like saying Al Jazeera is a valid world news source. Nothing that comes out of that country is 100% pro NSX, these are the same guys that claimed it handled better than the Carrera GT which the chassis design is based on the never released LMP1 car and the 962 (remind me, how many world stage racing wins does Honda have?) Personally, I didnt like the way the NSX interior felt to me, the 911 has it’s charms but is far from perfect, the C5 is a joke, and the 355 while not a quality interior IMO fits the car pefectly. I can see how the NSX interior is effective, but it personally does not suit me. And a second isnt that much on a road course when we are talking street cars with average street drivers.

Oh come on…the lambos won…

I mean seriously what makes it overpriced? What car besides the C5 Z06 can you compare it to and say it’s overpriced while not being able to say the same thing for a 911, Ferrari, Lambo, Aston or any other exotic car?

If the NSX is overpriced…the 360 is the most overpriced car ever built…

I mean shit a Cayman S costs like 70K loaded…but can’t run away from a 33K EVO MR…does that mean the Cayman is overpriced?

Although I’m sure you’ll throw this back at me since I mocked Best Motoring. Top Gear’s review of the NSX summed up my opinion perfectly. It’s an AWESOME car, but for the price it should have a more exotic engine, and less parts should be lifted from every other honda/acura. While it is an amazing car it just falls short IMO. You can honestly say if you had 80-90k to blow, you’d buy an NSX? I think not. If they were priced at 45k they would’ve sold a shitload, rather than the 7 they sold in the UK in it’s final year.

I thought they were going for a new engine in the NSX replacment? Wernt they debating dropping in a Vtec V-10? :gotme:

NSX > corvette

Edit: that corvette has the same radio my truck has, and I KNOW its a peice

The new NSX from the stock holder briefing is supposed to have what equates to a detuned street version of the '00 F1 V10. 4+ L revving to a hair over 9k IIRC. But we’ll see if that makes it to production. Could either be one of the most amazing street motors ever, a reliability nightmare, or it may just never see production.

now? no…I’d buy a C2S…in 03? if I had to buy new…in a fucking heartbeat…I really don’t see any other choice for a new car in that price range

You can’t price a car like that at 45K…that’s like saying they should have priced the GT3 @ 50K b/c they would have sold a lot more…It’s an all aluminium chassis…

If I’m spending 80-90k, I would have the money to spend 106k on a GT3. Which is better in every way, shape, and form. Or I’d rather buy a C5 z06 at the time and bank the rest.

I like the NSX, but I dont see us every agreeing on this topic. I’d say let’s just agree that Mitsubishi blows donkey balls, but you drive an Evo, so that’s another lost topic. :wink:

Again you CANNOT name a car that would be a better buy in that range…it’s either “well I’d spend more” or “I’d buy a Z06”…

So it’s such an overpriced car your only choices for a competitive car is more expensive OR a Z06…so with one choice that’s less expensive…how can you seriously say it’s over-priced?

Pricing itself in a gap from the competition is not an excuse. For the $149,497 + destination category I’ll take a DB9, find another car in that price!

How is it in a gap? So what are you saying it’s under-priced? Does it out perform on par w/ a 996 Carrera? Yes…for the same price? Yes… Overpriced? No.

sigh I will not pay for a $90k Honda, with exotic styling, a medicore engine, decent suspension that is outhandled by some $30k cars, an interior that I dislike, that I’m wishy washy about, that is outperformed by other cars in the $85-110k price range. Happy?

Oh yeah, and has a glass transmission.

Neat car? Sure.

End all be all? FUCK NO.

That’s your problem. It’s not that the car is overpriced…it’s that it’s an $87K Honda.

$90,000 porsches are outhandled by 30K cars…$250,000 Sports cars are out handled by 30K cars. What’s your point. It’s still not overpriced.

Joe you’re being an idiot. You’re purely concentrating on the things that make my arguement sound like I’m just hating on Honda and not the constructive reasons that I give for why the car isnt as good as it should be for $90k.